Chat log from the meeting on 2013-09-10

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[2013/09/10 10:54]  Nebadon Izumi: hello everyone :)
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Richardus Raymaker: hi nebadon
[2013/09/10 10:54]  vegaslon plutonian: greetings
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Latif Khalifa is Online
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Master Dubrovna: Howdy
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Richardus Raymaker: the conference where at bad weekend for me. to many thing in one weekend :(
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Richardus Raymaker: hi master
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Richardus Raymaker: hello vega
[2013/09/10 10:54]  Master Dubrovna: Yeah I was out of town and missed it
[2013/09/10 10:55]  logger sewell: Hi all
[2013/09/10 10:56]  Fred.Appleby Do I need to rebake?
[2013/09/10 10:56]  Richardus Raymaker: hi fred
[2013/09/10 10:56]  Fred.Appleby Hello Richardus
[2013/09/10 10:56]  Andrew Hellershanks is Online
[2013/09/10 10:56]  Vivian Klees is Offline
[2013/09/10 10:57]  Vivian Klees is Online
[2013/09/10 10:58]  logger sewell: hey Andrew and Kayaker
[2013/09/10 10:58]  Andrew Hellershanks: hey
[2013/09/10 10:58]  Richardus Raymaker: hi andrew
[2013/09/10 10:58]  Kayaker Magic: Heli
[2013/09/10 10:58]  Kayaker Magic: o
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Richardus Raymaker: hi kay
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Nebadon Izumi: not sure if Justin is coming or not today
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Nebadon Izumi: hes not on skype either
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Kayaker Magic: Who is in charge of these video displays? Who can I give a URL to for a youtube video to put up there?
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Nebadon Izumi: i can
[2013/09/10 10:59]  Nebadon Izumi: what is it?
[2013/09/10 11:00]  Kayaker Magic: My reason for wanting SIM border crossings fixed
[2013/09/10 11:00]  Kayaker Magic:
[2013/09/10 11:00]  Nebadon Izumi: might just be better to paste the URL
[2013/09/10 11:00]  Kayaker Magic: A wind driven sailboat.
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Kayaker Magic: I'm feeling crowded in a single sim.
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Nebadon Izumi: border crossing is coming soon though
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Nebadon Izumi: its been on hold
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Nebadon Izumi: becasue of the conference and release
[2013/09/10 11:01]  logger sewell: and they are fast
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Latif Khalifa is Online
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Richardus Raymaker: ohh sailboat. now you got my attention
[2013/09/10 11:01]  Richardus Raymaker: cool nebadon
[2013/09/10 11:02]  Kayaker Magic: I can slow them down for you if you like Logger...
[2013/09/10 11:02]  Richardus Raymaker: offcorse. its a compleet mysetry how you need to let a scipted verhicle cross a simborder. like the do with trains in sl as example
[2013/09/10 11:02]  logger sewell: no thats ok we need to setup races
[2013/09/10 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: but simborder crossing i dont expect before 0.7.7
[2013/09/10 11:03]  Tiffany Magic: Robert is working on the sim crossings.
[2013/09/10 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: well. lol, i need that time anyway to build and learn
[2013/09/10 11:03]  Richardus Raymaker: hee tiffany
[2013/09/10 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: well the bullet opencl stff sounds intressting but..
[2013/09/10 11:04]  Tiffany Magic: 11:03 AM] Unknown UserUMMTGUN8: hee tiffany
[2013/09/10 11:04]  Richardus Raymaker: my systems dont really have the right graphics i think
[2013/09/10 11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: actually Avination has border crossing working
[2013/09/10 11:04]  Vivian Klees: sheeesh finally getting textures
[2013/09/10 11:05]  vegaslon plutonian: biggest hurdle right now for sim boarder crossings with a vehicle is sitting the avatar back down automatically after the crossing
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Tiffany Magic: If I knew who you are, I would greet you back.
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Richardus Raymaker: Hehe Richardus tiffany
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: we are waiting for them to put it in to core, then Robert can finish wiring it into BulletSim
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Kayaker Magic: I have that one script crossing in AVN and InWorldz, it only fails in OpenSim
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: but thats all been on hold until after the release
[2013/09/10 11:05]  Kayaker Magic: How was the conference?
[2013/09/10 11:06]  Robert Adams: waiting for Melanie to contribute the Avination border crossing code
[2013/09/10 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: conference was great
[2013/09/10 11:06]  Tiffany Magic: Last meeting didn't Robert say he wasn't waiting any longer and was going forward without Avinations code?
[2013/09/10 11:06]  Nebadon Izumi: no
[2013/09/10 11:06]  Richardus Raymaker: Im curious how good opencl supported physcis work on some basic onboard chipset. special cards etat more energy
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: if he did say that it probably wasnt meant literally
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Robert Adams: I only threatened that, tiffany... we'll see how quickly Melanie gets around to contributing
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Richardus Raymaker: well, i think a good first move is to get 0.7.6 out
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Tiffany Magic: She has been dangling that carrot for a very long time.
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Kayaker Magic: I'll hold my breath until Melanie gets that code transferred.
[2013/09/10 11:07]  Kayaker Magic: (where is the color dialog for skin?)
[2013/09/10 11:08]  Richardus Raymaker: need a smart haza tiffany
[2013/09/10 11:09]  Richardus Raymaker: but.. i always could add if needed a betetr card for my physics server
[2013/09/10 11:09]  Dahlia Trimble is Online
[2013/09/10 11:10]  Latif Khalifa is Online
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Vivian Klees: don't everyone speak at once
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: everybody still alive ?
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Nebadon Izumi: was there any topics anyone wanted to speak about?
[2013/09/10 11:11]  BlueWall.Slade crickets
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: hi blue
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Andrew Hellershanks likes watching cricket ;)
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Kayaker Magic: I'd talk about the latest mantis I submitted, but Justin can't hear me today
[2013/09/10 11:11]  BlueWall.Slade hello
[2013/09/10 11:11]  Richardus Raymaker: shout harder kayaker :)
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: ya i thought Justin would be here today, he must have gotten tied up doing stuff
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Richardus Raymaker: again. the conference is finally behind
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Vivian Klees: or worn out from the conference
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: heh ya maybe
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Nebadon Izumi: I know he did say he had some stuff to do this week but he never mentioned he wouldnt be at this meeting
[2013/09/10 11:12]  Andrew Hellershanks: I need to miss the rest of todays meeting. I'm being offered a ride to a computer store where I hope to find a pair of SATA cables I need.
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Nebadon Izumi: nice Andrew, dont let us stop you :)
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Nebadon Izumi: we will have some follow up stuff coming about the Conference soon
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Andrew Hellershanks: I ordered 3 1TB drives but no cables thinking I could get the cables locally, but of course, I couldn't.
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Andrew Hellershanks: :P
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Richardus Raymaker: and why would a store not have (expensive) sata cables ?
[2013/09/10 11:13]  Nebadon Izumi: like some statistics and a questionaire poll for people who attended
[2013/09/10 11:13]  BlueWall.Slade Unknown UserUMMTGUN8
[2013/09/10 11:13]  logger sewell: all the drives I bought came with them
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Kayaker Magic shouts: Mantis 6762 llList2Key fails to convert a string in a list to a key
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: OEM drives dont come with cables usually
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Andrew Hellershanks: The store I would have gotten the cables has said they won't be carrying HD's much in store in the near future.
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Andrew Hellershanks: oh, well.
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Andrew Hellershanks: Have a good one.
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Andrew Hellershanks waves
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Nebadon Izumi: see you Andrew
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Andrew Hellershanks is Offline
[2013/09/10 11:14]  logger sewell: tc Andrew
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: bye andrew
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Tiffany Magic: I think I will go too. I need to go inform our members of Virtual Highway that we will NOT have sim crossing on vehicles this month.
[2013/09/10 11:14]  BlueWall.Slade Unknown UserUMMTGUN8 <----- nebadon
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Tiffany Magic: Bye all
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Richardus Raymaker: eeew. no hdd's in local store. that is really the worse
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Vivian Klees: eh crack open external drives
[2013/09/10 11:14]  logger sewell: bye tIFFANY '
[2013/09/10 11:14]  Vivian Klees: cheaper than an oem drive
[2013/09/10 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: uhh ? im talking about oem drives. you dont cant buy other drives
[2013/09/10 11:15]  Richardus Raymaker: i mean, you can only buy oeam drives
[2013/09/10 11:15]  Kayaker Magic: You see the fake external drive? Crack it open and there is a thumb drive inside.
[2013/09/10 11:15]  BlueWall.Slade There' sDahlia the customer service girl
[2013/09/10 11:15]  Kayaker Magic: and two bolts to make it feel heavy.
[2013/09/10 11:15]  Dahlia Trimble arrives at the meeting after teleporting from jump4000
[2013/09/10 11:16]  Kayaker Magic: I hear the crickets again....
[2013/09/10 11:16]  Vivian Klees: lol Latif
[2013/09/10 11:17]  Latif Khalifa: I stole a flag at jump4000
[2013/09/10 11:17]  BlueWall.Slade hehe
[2013/09/10 11:17]  Richardus Raymaker: lol
[2013/09/10 11:17]  Dahlia Trimble: I want one
[2013/09/10 11:17]  Nebadon Izumi: :)
[2013/09/10 11:18]  Fred.Appleby preserved script state? what happens when a returning avi with a scripted attachement, and that script has been modified on another sim?
[2013/09/10 11:18]  Fred.Appleby hope that makes sense
[2013/09/10 11:18]  Latif Khalifa: heh it's no copy for some reason
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Dahlia Trimble: where's Justin?
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: Fred. sofar i understand the scipt get saved to the orginal source.
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Fearghus McMahon: hi all
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Latif Khalifa is Offline
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Nebadon Izumi: not sure Justin never showed up today
[2013/09/10 11:19]  Richardus Raymaker: Justin maby takeinbg a break. nobody knows
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: i assume he must have gotten busy with something else
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: well incase you guys had not heard
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: we are working on fixing the 4096 region teleport limit
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Fred.Appleby Have you told justin there is no load test today?
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: we were testing that this morning, its looking very promising
[2013/09/10 11:20]  Nebadon Izumi: yes he knows
[2013/09/10 11:20]  BlueWall.Slade do any others jumping long distance see Unknown users / clouds
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Fearghus McMahon: teleporting beyond the outer limits?
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Latif Khalifa is Online
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Dahlia Trimble: I see all clouds
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: Nebadon, how do you want to fix that without viewer change ?
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Dahlia Trimble: I came here from jump4000
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: its is a viewer change
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Vivian Klees: which viewer?
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Robert Adams: they are working with both Singularity and Firestorm
[2013/09/10 11:21]  BlueWall.Slade sing
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: Singularity is only one you can test right now
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Fred.Appleby I rebaked
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: aha ok
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Nebadon Izumi: it also requires a OpenSim.ini change
[2013/09/10 11:21]  Richardus Raymaker: still on 1.8.1
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Fearghus McMahon: interesting
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Dahlia Trimble: a config change
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Richardus Raymaker: ok sing & FS then its ok
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: [EntityTransfer]
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Dahlia Trimble: and singu latest from a couple hours ago
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: max_distance = 10000
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Dahlia Trimble: I made max_distance 65535
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi:
[2013/09/10 11:22]  Nebadon Izumi: ya you can set it for whatever
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: lol dahlia
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Dahlia Trimble: 10000 seems a too small arbitrary choice
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: we have not really decided 100% on a default setting
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Richardus Raymaker: its already hard enough to get to other grid or find them
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Dahlia Trimble: considering osgrid is larger than 10000
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Latif Khalifa: 16384 (16k) should be max
[2013/09/10 11:23]  Nebadon Izumi: k
[2013/09/10 11:24]  Dahlia Trimble: 10000 is just a number someone pulled out of the air, no reasoning behind it at all
[2013/09/10 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: Dahlia its not 16K from the place you are ?
[2013/09/10 11:24]  Dahlia Trimble: from where I am? I'm right here
[2013/09/10 11:24]  Vivian Klees: ;)
[2013/09/10 11:24]  Richardus Raymaker: so then you could go 16K up ?
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Dahlia Trimble: ahy 16?
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Richardus Raymaker: im not sure if there are sims above 20K btw
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Dahlia Trimble: *why
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Richardus Raymaker: latif used that number
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Dahlia Trimble: someone told him to
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: all I can say is we really have only tested below 10k so far
[2013/09/10 11:25]  Nebadon Izumi: its going to need more testing
[2013/09/10 11:26]  Dahlia Trimble: someone please explain the reasining behine 10000 and 15k or I say lets lame it as large as testing shows it to work
[2013/09/10 11:26]  Richardus Raymaker: latif whats the reason you see 15bit as limit ?
[2013/09/10 11:26]  Robert Adams: the short term problem is HGing between the 1000,1000 based grids and the 10000,10000 based grids
[2013/09/10 11:26]  Robert Adams: but the world will grow
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Latif Khalifa: dahlia, i need some sort of limit, because opensim tends to return insane numbers for some prims
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Latif Khalifa: inlcuding NaN and INF
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Dahlia Trimble: 10000 is a poor choice, there are regions further than that on osgrid today
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Richardus Raymaker: ahh. the good old NaN
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Latif Khalifa: so I need to put some limit that will filter out crap
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Richardus Raymaker: i think safer would be to use 32768
[2013/09/10 11:27]  Dahlia Trimble: well lets derive a limit rationally then
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Latif Khalifa: I've put max of 32k long jump limit in Singularity
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: and note that limit on the opensim wiki pages to
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Fred.Appleby Cannot Opensim prevent insane numbers from being stored in the database?
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: yeah. thats good number latif
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Latif Khalifa: I think Opensim should limit to 16K
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Dahlia Trimble: where did the limit on the wiki pages come from?
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Latif Khalifa: 1) I know of no grid that uses > 16k coordinates, provides nice safety margin
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Richardus Raymaker: can opensim not be limited to to the same numbers or ?
[2013/09/10 11:28]  Robert Adams: I want the larger number in the default INI file (32K)
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Robert Adams: if 16K is in the default INI file, that's what it will be in most regions
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Richardus Raymaker: i think 16K is to small
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Robert Adams: until the poor, new grid creator falls over the problem and changing the INI file
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Richardus Raymaker: and im counting from 0,0 as coordinate
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Dahlia Trimble: well maybe if a limit is chosen, opensim should be constrained in code to those limits
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Nebadon Izumi: well remember 16k x 16k = 256,000,000 regions
[2013/09/10 11:29]  Robert Adams: the default in OpenSIm.ini.example should be at least 32K
[2013/09/10 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: 32k x 32k is a million regions
[2013/09/10 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: i agree with robert
[2013/09/10 11:30]  Nebadon Izumi: sorry billion
[2013/09/10 11:30]  Richardus Raymaker: yes nebadon. but its nice if doifferent grid not are stacking on top of each other
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: ya i understand that, but even at 16k x 16k that is the equivalent of 140,000 second life size grids
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Robert Adams: billion is not a large enough number space to prevent collisions of independently chosen numbers
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Richardus Raymaker: rigth now your always stuck from 10000,10000 and then you can go 2048 from that
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.6 Dev          b05cb3b: 2013-09-09 14:50:33 -0700 (Unix/Mono)
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: i know im just putting it into perspective is all
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Nebadon Izumi: not arguing against it
[2013/09/10 11:31]  Robert Adams: I agree we could pack all existing and future grids into the 16kx16k space, but there is no packing function
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Richardus Raymaker: lets not make the same mistake as the did with bios support for hdd's :O
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Robert Adams: everyone will be choosing address independently and that requires a large address space
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Dahlia Trimble: well 10000 is a rediculous arbitrary limit with no basis in reality
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: so 32k x 32k is enough?
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Nebadon Izumi: i can tell you from experience the viewer breaks over 65k
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Dahlia Trimble: if 32k works I say its enough
[2013/09/10 11:32]  Robert Adams: 32Kx32K is certainly better than 16kx16k.... a compromise
[2013/09/10 11:33]  Nebadon Izumi: the max we could do without more changes to viewer is 65k x 65k
[2013/09/10 11:33]  Richardus Raymaker: sound for a long time enough. especially if opensim would be limited so it never can go above 32K with coordinates
[2013/09/10 11:33]  Dahlia Trimble: 16 is probably enough if 32 wont work
[2013/09/10 11:33]  Nebadon Izumi: ya we would need to test
[2013/09/10 11:33]  Nebadon Izumi: no ones tested that yet
[2013/09/10 11:34]  Richardus Raymaker: lets ask it different. how many bits can you use in the viewer ?
[2013/09/10 11:34]  Richardus Raymaker: LL must have but soem limit in
[2013/09/10 11:35]  Nebadon Izumi: ll's grid is smaller than 256x256
[2013/09/10 11:35]  Latif Khalifa: I'd still prefer you limit it to 16k because we are pushin 32 bit float precision as it is
[2013/09/10 11:35]  Dahlia Trimble: ll's grid is 4096x4096
[2013/09/10 11:35]  Nebadon Izumi: ok lkalif
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Fred.Appleby Could these obscure prim locations have caused problems before, viewer crashes, they have been reported, but realconclusion?
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. then go for 16K
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Latif Khalifa: IEEE754 precision loss will make stuff jumpy
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Latif Khalifa: like your attachment buzzing around slightly
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Dahlia Trimble: does the octree use floats or doubles?
[2013/09/10 11:36]  Latif Khalifa: floats
[2013/09/10 11:37]  Richardus Raymaker: still 16K is enough to go from 1000 to 10000 and to many other places
[2013/09/10 11:37]  Latif Khalifa: Fred. the reason for this 4096 bug in the first place is that the viewer would not add anything that is 4096 * 256 m to it's octree
[2013/09/10 11:38]  Robert Adams: once things are rezzed, everything is in region local coordinates (based on zero)
[2013/09/10 11:38]  Nebadon Izumi: well if there are technical limits then were not going to have a whole lot of choice
[2013/09/10 11:38]  Latif Khalifa: does anybody know of an actual grid that uses coordinates > 16k?
[2013/09/10 11:38]  Robert Adams: there are very few places that try to handle objects with global coordinates
[2013/09/10 11:38]  Dahlia Trimble: I wonder how much precision the octree needs? it probably has a depth constraint which might reduce precision requirements
[2013/09/10 11:38]  BlueWall.Slade There seems to be an issue with this singularity with Unknown User
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Latif Khalifa: Uknown User is a sim issue
[2013/09/10 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade it's Nebadon, so probably something with prims in the region ?
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Robert Adams: attachments would never buzz around because they are always zero based on the avatar
[2013/09/10 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade well, I tried different things, bu t Firestorm worked
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Latif Khalifa: Robert, you are wrong. I have seen it
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: oh im showing unknown?
[2013/09/10 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade yes
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: oh ok
[2013/09/10 11:39]  BlueWall.Slade only in Singularity
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: sorry about that lol
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Richardus Raymaker: you look fine here
[2013/09/10 11:39]  Nebadon Izumi: ah its probably cached
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Nebadon Izumi: from a previous time BlueWall
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Nebadon Izumi: in that particular viewer on your end
[2013/09/10 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade no, I have been jumping in and out, clearing cache, etc.
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Dahlia Trimble: might be a good test to see if small objects very close to each other still appear separate after a long teleport
[2013/09/10 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade I cleaed cache and jumped from different distances
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Dahlia Trimble: just to make sure some bits arent dropped
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Nebadon Izumi: hmm ya not sure
[2013/09/10 11:40]  Nebadon Izumi: that bug sucks for sure though
[2013/09/10 11:40]  BlueWall.Slade So far you are the oinly one
[2013/09/10 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: does singularity or opensim already fixt the if you close group chat it keeps closed for that group until relog ?
[2013/09/10 11:41]  Robert Adams: I have no idea how... unless the viewer really does something wrong (like pushing the OpenGL coordinates in global space)
[2013/09/10 11:41]  Richardus Raymaker: thats a nice part for V3, the ntification icon in bottom right corner
[2013/09/10 11:41]  Latif Khalifa: Robert, it does not change the origin after the jump
[2013/09/10 11:42]  Dahlia Trimble: opengl uses 32 bit floats
[2013/09/10 11:42]  Latif Khalifa: it pushes in local coords, but when you teleport the coords have offset
[2013/09/10 11:42]  Robert Adams: well, that's a problem (curse you legacy viewer)
[2013/09/10 11:43]  Latif Khalifa: yeah, it was not designed for the huge grid space
[2013/09/10 11:43]  Dahlia Trimble: Im not convinced its a problem yet
[2013/09/10 11:43]  Dahlia Trimble: since the region you are teleporting to becomes the new local origin
[2013/09/10 11:43]  Dahlia Trimble: and you wont see anything more than a couple regions away
[2013/09/10 11:44]  Dahlia Trimble: its the octree where precision might be a problem, not opengl
[2013/09/10 11:44]  Latif Khalifa: octree is not like that for sure, this 4096 limit proves that
[2013/09/10 11:44]  Latif Khalifa: it never changes origin aparently
[2013/09/10 11:45]  Richardus Raymaker: hmm. just some idea why 16K would be better. longer lists are maby slower. if tehre are lists
[2013/09/10 11:46]  Dahlia Trimble: the octree is a sparse collection
[2013/09/10 11:47]  Cuteulala Artis is Offline
[2013/09/10 11:47]  Fred.Appleby Is there a way to publish a list of specific tests to assist with the long distant tp
[2013/09/10 11:48]  Dahlia Trimble: IRC might be sufficient
[2013/09/10 11:48]  Cuteulala Artis is Online
[2013/09/10 11:48]  Nebadon Izumi: ya if your interested in tested i would suggest connecting to #opensim-dev on freenode
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Robert Adams is Online
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: :/
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Fred.Appleby Specialist here would have an awarness of critical issues
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: i sit and neb goes poof
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Dahlia Trimble: :\
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: haha
[2013/09/10 11:49]  BlueWall.Slade hehe
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Nebadon Izumi: crashed
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Fearghus McMahon: it's a kind of magic
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: Ohhhh!
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: there he is
[2013/09/10 11:49]  Cuteulala Artis: lol
[2013/09/10 11:51]  Cuteulala Artis: Lol! Because!
[2013/09/10 11:51]  Nebadon Izumi: so ya not sure if you saw what i said as I crashed but if your interested in doing testing on the 4096+ teleports i suggest connecting to #opensim-dev on freenode
[2013/09/10 11:51]  Kayaker Magic: I just went to the map to look up some co-ordinates.
[2013/09/10 11:51]  Kayaker Magic: Is overview mode broken?
[2013/09/10 11:51]  BlueWall.Slade [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: so ya n...
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Kayaker Magic: I've waited 5 minutes and nothing appears at that zoom level.
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: you seeing me correctly now BlueWall?
[2013/09/10 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade yes
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Shaun.Emerald The 32K limit on jumps in place now appears to work. That should be sufficiently large to cover most current grid placements, yes?
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: odd lol
[2013/09/10 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade in Firestorm
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: oh ok
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Frank.Northmead Okay, I jumped in here from a region at 25100, 25100.
[2013/09/10 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade the oscc viewer and sing all were unknown
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Shaun.Emerald as did I
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: nice Frank
[2013/09/10 11:52]  BlueWall.Slade so there is a pattern
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: ok thats good to Know BlueWall
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Dahlia Trimble: xo mzny clouds today
[2013/09/10 11:52]  Nebadon Izumi: it would be nice to stomp that out
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: its probably a v1 vs v3 thing
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: more than just being singularity, thats my guess
[2013/09/10 11:53]  BlueWall.Slade I see 2 clouds
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: ya i see 3 clouds myself
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone else looks ok
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Vivian Klees: 3 clouds
[2013/09/10 11:53]  BlueWall.Slade 4
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Frank.Northmead can regions that do not update to have the range limit setting in their ini default to 16K range?
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: yes Frank
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: its an old settying
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Cuteulala Artis: Be ncie to have SSB
[2013/09/10 11:53]  Nebadon Izumi: no simulator update required, just need to change the ini and restart
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Dahlia Trimble is Offline
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Dahlia Trimble is Online
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Frank.Northmead 
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Frank.Northmead good, because right now I can't get home ㋡
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: this region is set for 10000
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Frank.Northmead yes, so I can't get home - lol
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Nebadon Izumi: heh
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Cuteulala Artis: lbsa then hop over :P
[2013/09/10 11:54]  Frank.Northmead nope, lbsa is set to 4096
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Cuteulala Artis: :o
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Frank.Northmead no regions are set to 32000 right now.
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Cuteulala Artis: guess we get to keep you :P
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Nebadon Izumi: ya not all the plazas have been changed yet
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Frank.Northmead yup.
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Frank.Northmead 
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Frank.Northmead ㋡
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Nebadon Izumi: dahlia now your a cloud
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Nebadon Izumi: heh
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Cuteulala Artis: hey i see a saturn rocket
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Cuteulala Artis: cool
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Nebadon Izumi: oh there you are
[2013/09/10 11:55]  Frank.Northmead That feels like it could end up being an issue for people taht HG a lot - going places and getting stuck there.
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: ya it will take some time to work it out
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: also Firestorm will probably not be compatible for a while still
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: since their release schedule is much slower than everyone else is
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: Kokua is working on adding it in
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Frank.Northmead does the region actually do anything with the setting?
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: yes
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: it prevents you from teleporting more than that
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: it says its too far
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Frank.Northmead grrr
[2013/09/10 11:56]  Nebadon Izumi: because otherwise you end up making it
[2013/09/10 11:57]  Nebadon Izumi: but end up in the ocean
[2013/09/10 11:57]  Nebadon Izumi: stuck unable to move
[2013/09/10 11:57]  Nebadon Izumi: if you go beyond what viewer is capable of that is
[2013/09/10 11:57]  Frank.Northmead hmmm
[2013/09/10 11:57]  Cuteulala Artis: awww SWEET ig ot a a copy of space shuttle gonna program a major launch in osgrid
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Nebadon Izumi: lol nice Cuteulala :)
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: been looking for a nice one for ever
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: gonna make sure i thank the guy for sharing it
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: imma go all out from launch to landing
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: ona mega region
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: :P
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Pathfinder.Lester if folks are looking for free mesh models of RL spacecraft, NASA has a bunch of models you can download for free :)
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: im all off topic
[2013/09/10 11:58]  Cuteulala Artis: haha
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Nebadon Izumi: hah well we are at the top of the hour
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Nebadon Izumi: we can continue any discussion about teleports on IRC at this point
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Richardus Raymaker: hi cuteula
[2013/09/10 11:59]  BlueWall.Slade no load test :D
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Nebadon Izumi: not today
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Richardus Raymaker: yes i have seen and think have it soemwhere to
[2013/09/10 11:59]  Nebadon Izumi: the CC grid is open to everyone though
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Dahlia Trimble: lets go crash the cc grid :D
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Pathfinder.Lester how long will it be up?
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Richardus Raymaker: saturn 5 and shuttle
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Nebadon Izumi: right now the teleport limit for those regions i 10,000
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Nebadon Izumi: it will be up all this week
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Nebadon Izumi: we are going to discuss tommorow the plans
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Pathfinder.Lester cool. ty
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Dahlia Trimble: is there any good free stuff on the cc grid?
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Nebadon Izumi: there will be more info coming soon
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Nebadon Izumi: about stats, we have a survey we are working on
[2013/09/10 12:00]  Latif Khalifa: Nebadon where is OSGrid stand there?
[2013/09/10 12:01]  Nebadon Izumi: going to process the videos better
[2013/09/10 12:01]  Nebadon Izumi: its on Expo Zone 8
[2013/09/10 12:01]  Latif Khalifa: Thanks, never made it there during the conference
[2013/09/10 12:01]  Latif Khalifa: Nebandon, could you ask the rest of the organizer how they feel about sharing oars of the buiild there?
[2013/09/10 12:01]  Nebadon Izumi: we are going to talk about that tommorow
[2013/09/10 12:02]  Latif Khalifa: I would love Breakout Zone3 OAR
[2013/09/10 12:02]  Latif Khalifa: :)
[2013/09/10 12:02]  Nebadon Izumi: I would like to kind of condense all the breakout zones into 1
[2013/09/10 12:02]  Nebadon Izumi: have video boards for all the talks
[2013/09/10 12:02]  vegaslon plutonian: it is just so.. glowy.. how can you not love
[2013/09/10 12:02]  Nebadon Izumi: maybe some other goodies
[2013/09/10 12:03]  Fred.Appleby Robert? the dsg grid still open?
[2013/09/10 12:03]  Dahlia Trimble: well lunch time for me, bye all :)
[2013/09/10 12:03]  Pathfinder.Lester Neat idea to have part of the conference be the ability to actually take home (as an OAR) a part of the conference. ;)
[2013/09/10 12:03]  BlueWall.Slade bye Dahlia
[2013/09/10 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: kk thanks for coming Dahlia
[2013/09/10 12:03]  Nebadon Izumi: see you on IRC in a bit im sure :)
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Latif Khalifa: :)
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Latif Khalifa: Diva wrote a great blog post about the experience
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Pathfinder.Lester yes, i really loved that
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Latif Khalifa: for those that have not seen it
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Nebadon Izumi: everyone had so many nice things to say
[2013/09/10 12:04]  Nebadon Izumi: was really awesome
[2013/09/10 12:05]  BlueWall.Slade it was put on really well
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: thanks, we worked very hard
[2013/09/10 12:05]  BlueWall.Slade a great experience
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: oh how many people where on the conference ?
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Pathfinder.Lester Neb, thank you and thank everyone else here who helped make it a reality
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: we estimate we had about 400 visitors
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: ? on the 4 sims ?
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: there was a peak load of about 150'ish
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: no
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Richardus Raymaker: i mean on the conference sims
[2013/09/10 12:05]  Nebadon Izumi: just spread over the entire grid for the 400
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Pathfinder.Lester And I also think you all really started something big that will have major ripple effects far into the future.
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: we will have better stats soon
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Latif Khalifa: i've seen about 90 on the keynotes
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: ya I hope so Pathfinder
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: I would love to do it again
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Pathfinder.Lester Outstanding. :)
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Dahlia Trimble is Offline
[2013/09/10 12:06]  Nebadon Izumi: I think the feeling of most of the staff and planers is we would all love to do it again
[2013/09/10 12:07]  Pathfinder.Lester This feels like just the beginning. The initial crystallizing of a community.
[2013/09/10 12:07]  BlueWall.Slade Justin ran away from home and joined the circus
[2013/09/10 12:07]  BlueWall.Slade ")
[2013/09/10 12:07]  Pathfinder.Lester lol
[2013/09/10 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: haha
[2013/09/10 12:07]  BlueWall.Slade he was pushing the edge with the google docs for a display
[2013/09/10 12:07]  Nebadon Izumi: did you see the video i did last night?
[2013/09/10 12:08]  BlueWall.Slade that is how you learn things
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Pathfinder.Lester no
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi:;fs=0;autohide=0;hd=1;vq=hd1080;fullscreen=1
[2013/09/10 12:08]  BlueWall.Slade no, I didn't
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Pathfinder.Lester where's this video?
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi: doh
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Latif Khalifa: oh i found a nice sketh site that works fine with moap
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi: let me shorten that
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi:
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Nebadon Izumi: use that URL
[2013/09/10 12:08]  Pathfinder.Lester nice!
[2013/09/10 12:09]  Nebadon Izumi: this is a git visulization of the development leading up to the conference
[2013/09/10 12:09]  Pathfinder.Lester holy cow. that's a ton of evolution in a short time.
[2013/09/10 12:09]  Latif Khalifa: nebandon can you rez a prim and put on it
[2013/09/10 12:09]  BlueWall.Slade haaa
[2013/09/10 12:09]  Latif Khalifa: (fullbright it too)
[2013/09/10 12:10]  Nebadon Izumi: there you go
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Latif Khalifa: do you see it?
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Pathfinder.Lester yes
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Pathfinder.Lester :)
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Nebadon Izumi: i dont see anything
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Nebadon Izumi: i see a red bar on the side
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Richardus Raymaker: ok. i need to go. see you next week. nic escreen
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Nebadon Izumi: with some white boxes
[2013/09/10 12:11]  vegaslon plutonian: says it is disconnected from the sketch
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Nebadon Izumi: what should i be seeing?
[2013/09/10 12:11]  Nebadon Izumi: oh
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Nebadon Izumi: hit the reconnect button
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Shaun.Emerald latif was here
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Shaun.Emerald :)
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Nebadon Izumi: i didnt see that
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Nebadon Izumi: ya now i see it
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Richardus Raymaker: bye
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Latif Khalifa: everybody can draw
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Richardus Raymaker: click the prim if you have moap
[2013/09/10 12:12]  Nebadon Izumi: nice
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Latif Khalifa: lol somone put google map in background
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Nebadon Izumi: i have outlined the region i call Nebastan
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Latif Khalifa: hahaha
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Nebadon Izumi: lol
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Pathfinder.Lester nice
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Latif Khalifa: you just go to
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Nebadon Izumi: cool
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Nebadon Izumi: thanks
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Latif Khalifa: click on create sketch
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Latif Khalifa: and then use that url
[2013/09/10 12:13]  Cuteulala Artis: dam you been busting your pixles azz on thoes projects
[2013/09/10 12:14]  Cuteulala Artis: lol
[2013/09/10 12:14]  Sarah Kline is Online
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Pathfinder.Lester I've never used cosketch before. Great tool, Latif. TY for showing it to us.
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Nebadon Izumi: ya very neat, handy
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Latif Khalifa: and it works nicely on moap
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Pathfinder.Lester yeah!
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Latif Khalifa: someone mentioned Justin's trouble with google docs on the conference
[2013/09/10 12:15]  Latif Khalifa: which reminded me of it
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Pathfinder.Lester I've got to head out. Take care, folks. Hope to see you all again soon.
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: ok well I need to step away a bit, need food and caffeine!
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Latif Khalifa: Have fun Pathfinder! :)
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Latif Khalifa: bon apetit neb :)
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: see you Pathfinder, latif ill be back on IRC shortly
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: thanks :)
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Nebadon Izumi: talk soon everyone
[2013/09/10 12:17]  jazzy chatterbox: take care Pathfinder
[2013/09/10 12:17]  Pathfinder.Lester waves
[2013/09/10 12:17]  BlueWall.Slade bye
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