Chat log from the meeting on 2013-02-05

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[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Andrew
[11:03]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: Hello Justin
[11:03]  Connected
[11:03]  Teravus Ousley: hallows
[11:03]  Fly Man: Well, the cube as a root prim makes it easier to put things in the right place
[11:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: hi nebadon, folks
[11:03]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, nebadon
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: wb again Paulie :)
[11:03]  Fly Man: so completly hacky ....
[11:03]  Sarah Kline: Hi Justin
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hey Justin
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: are you familiar with the Mesh upload routine at all?
[11:03]  Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon looks like he has spent too much time near a nuclear reactor
[11:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: me? somewhat
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: there is a prblem thats been perstering a few of us who are using mesh more
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: it seems like in certain objects we upload opensim is rotating the root prim
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: see these green and red objects
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: its a mesh tree
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: the red one is how it looks after I upload it
[11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: I would need to relog with a mesh capable viewer
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: oh
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: right
[11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: let me see
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: k
[11:05]  paulie Flomar: back with ZEN...
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hello Andrew
[11:03]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: Hello Justin
[11:03]  Connected
[11:03]  Teravus Ousley: hallows
[11:03]  Fly Man: Well, the cube as a root prim makes it easier to put things in the right place
[11:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: hi nebadon, folks
[11:03]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, nebadon
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: wb again Paulie :)
[11:03]  Fly Man: so completly hacky ....
[11:03]  Sarah Kline: Hi Justin
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: hey Justin
[11:03]  Nebadon Izumi: are you familiar with the Mesh upload routine at all?
[11:03]  Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon looks like he has spent too much time near a nuclear reactor
[11:03]  Justin Clark-Casey: me? somewhat
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: there is a prblem thats been perstering a few of us who are using mesh more
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: it seems like in certain objects we upload opensim is rotating the root prim
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: see these green and red objects
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: its a mesh tree
[11:04]  Nebadon Izumi: the red one is how it looks after I upload it
[11:04]  Justin Clark-Casey: I would need to relog with a mesh capable viewer
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: oh
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: right
[11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: let me see
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: k
[11:05]  paulie Flomar: back with ZEN...
[11:05]  Fly Man: And Pauli, see difference ?
[11:05]  paulie Flomar: waitin on rez...
[11:05]  Justin Clark-Casey: brb
[11:05]  Nebadon Izumi: kk
[11:06] Hiro Protagonist is online.
[11:06] Nebadon Izumi: you have always had trouble with mesh
[11:06] Nebadon Izumi: as I recall
[11:06] paulie Flomar: will clear cache and relog...
[11:07] Nebadon Izumi: when you visited Reticulation your ping would go through the roof
[11:07] paulie Flomar: yeah
[11:07] Nebadon Izumi: hello Cuteulala
[11:07] paulie Flomar: clearing cacher and relog..
[11:07] Cuteulala Artis: hi
[11:07] Cuteulala Artis: Wright Lag
[11:07] Cuteulala Artis: hehehe
[11:07] Cuteulala Artis: hehe
[11:07] Justin Clark-Casey: alright
[11:07] Nebadon Izumi: I have been doing a little cleaning here at Wright Plaza
[11:08] Nebadon Izumi: trying to cut down on the prim load a little bit
[11:08] Cuteulala Artis: We need a betetr meeting place
[11:08] Cuteulala Artis: this no good
[11:08] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:08] Nebadon Izumi: we meet here so we can stress the software
[11:08] Nebadon Izumi: its a good test
[11:08] Nebadon Izumi: most everyone is sitting anyway
[11:08] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[11:09] Cuteulala Artis: yes also murders video card at 8fps lol even tho its a 1 gig GF 450 lol
[11:09] Nebadon Izumi: ya its probabl more about your cpu
[11:09] Cuteulala Artis: i reduce draw to minimum
[11:10] Fly Man: I feel no change
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: so these trees over here justin
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: they are created in SnappyTree
[11:10] Cuteulala Artis: ya my pentium D is at 99%
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: to collada
[11:10] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: i upload directly to the viewer
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: and i get the red tree
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: what i have to do is select the root prim
[11:10] Nebadon Izumi: rotate it to 180 on X asix
[11:10] Cuteulala Artis: puts graphics at low
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: then select the whole object
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: and rotate it to 90 on X axis
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: then the tree looks proper
[11:11] BlueWall Slade is online.
[11:11] Andrew Hellershanks: The canopy of the green tree finally appeared
[11:11] Nebadon Izumi: Cuteulala has similar issue
[11:11] Andrew Hellershanks: I've seen that mesh import issue with pulling in trees
[11:11] Sarah Kline: that happened to me a lot...I thought it was just app i was using
[11:12] Justin Clark-Casey: do you know if this also happens on the ll grid?
[11:12] Cuteulala Artis: i know what causes it
[11:12] Nebadon Izumi: it does not
[11:12] Nebadon Izumi: it works as it should on SL
[11:12] Cuteulala Artis: if you import a model into a studio editor and then rotate it in any way! on export the models ROOT will import in the angle it was in the studio but the child links will look like the rotation you made the model in the editor
[11:13] Cuteulala Artis: so no matter what you rotate the model the root will import into osgrid originaly in the studio
[11:13] Nebadon Izumi: ya thats another thing, in the viewer preview the model looks fine
[11:13] Nebadon Izumi: its only after its upload the rotation is wrong, so its something in the back end
[11:14] Justin Clark-Casey: I think the upload code currently being used is OpenSim.Region.ClinkStack.LindenCaps.BunchOfCaps.UploadCompleteHandler()
[11:14] Cuteulala Artis: The previewer does not lie and it shows the model as it should be yes
[11:14] Justin Clark-Casey: there is some similar code in NewGileAgentInventoryVariablePriceModule but I think that might have ben for the old beta mesh mechanism
[11:15] Nebadon Izumi: see I think what i have always done in Blender to fix this
[11:15] Nebadon Izumi: there is an apply rotations option
[11:15] Nebadon Izumi: that basically resets everything to zero
[11:15] Cuteulala Artis: yes
[11:15] Cuteulala Artis: but if you rotate it
[11:15] Cuteulala Artis: u break it in osgrid
[11:15] Cuteulala Artis: but not the file
[11:15] Cuteulala Artis: it self
[11:16] Cuteulala Artis: it seems osgrid is not getitng the rotation update ont he dae
[11:16] Cuteulala Artis: if you make a cube in a editor rotate it and then export it as one cube and then import it yi did a expiriment today
[11:16] Nebadon Izumi: so its happening with just 1 object even?
[11:16] logger sewell: hey all
[11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: hey, logger
[11:17] Cuteulala Artis: i loaded my model into google sketchup the program everyone hates the model was very angles and not proper but i exported it on its defualt angle it showed and then i uploaded here and it came out right
[11:17] Justin Clark-Casey: you might want to look at line 656 of BunchOfCaps
[11:17] Justin Clark-Casey: this is the upload part where the non-root prims of the object are rotated in accordance with the information uploaded by the viewer
[11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: what file is that in?
[11:18] Nebadon Izumi: OpenSim.Region.ClinkStack.LindenCaps.BunchOfCaps.UploadCompleteHandler()
[11:18] Justin Clark-Casey: BunchOfCaps.cs
[11:18] Nebadon Izumi: i am bringing it up now
[11:18] Andrew Hellershanks: oh, doesn't matter. I don't have the OS code on this laptop. :-)
[11:18] Andrew Hellershanks hopes to be backup and running on the desktop later this week
[11:18] Cuteulala Artis: somehow avination has gotten the sitting on child prim right and the uploads right and they dont know what they did to fix it hmm
[11:19] Nebadon Izumi: well I am looking at it
[11:19] Nebadon Izumi: not sure i understand it hehe
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: so basically were forgetting to rotate 1 prim?
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: count is maybe off?
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: maybe were missing 0?
[11:20] Justin Clark-Casey: no, ti's the root prim that is not roated
[11:20] Justin Clark-Casey: rotated
[11:20] Justin Clark-Casey: maybe that is the ommision - perhaps that should be rorated like all the child prims
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: right
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: thats what I am thinking
[11:20] Justin Clark-Casey: then the child prims woul dhave a different offset
[11:20] Nebadon Izumi: we cylce through the whole object but forget 0
[11:21] Cuteulala Artis: the only fix now is to not rotate the mesh models in anyway
[11:21] Cuteulala Artis: let the root be were its angled
[11:21] Nebadon Izumi: if (i != 0)
 grp.Parts[i].RotationOffset = rotations[i];
[11:21] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: so in the constructor on line 617 you could try putting rotation instead of Quatnerion.Identity
[11:21] Nebadon Izumi: what do we do if it == 0
[11:22] Nebadon Izumi: it looks like we dont do anything?
[11:22] Justin Clark-Casey: no, you would want to comment out i != 0 entirely
[11:23] Justin Clark-Casey: you still need to set the child rotations I would have though
[11:23] Justin Clark-Casey: thought
[11:23] Justin Clark-Casey: quite frankly, this code looks a little sdrewy
[11:23] Justin Clark-Casey: screwy
[11:24] Nebadon Izumi: heh
[11:24] Justin Clark-Casey: but yeah, try commenting out the i != 0 line to set the root prim rotation too
[11:24] Nebadon Izumi: ok
[11:24] Nebadon Izumi: let me do that in the background at my sandbox
[11:25] Andrew Hellershanks: It would be nice if that fixes it so it can be part of the 075 release
[11:25] Cuteulala Artis: no other grid is getitng coasters its osgrid exclusive
[11:25] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:25] Nebadon Izumi: yes
[11:25] Nebadon Izumi: i would really like this to be in 0.7.5
[11:25] Nebadon Izumi: if possible
[11:26] Sarah Kline: nice Cute
[11:26] Justin Clark-Casey: if I delayed for every one of these issues then no release would ever get out
[11:26] Justin Clark-Casey: we don't even know if it makes any different yet
[11:26] Justin Clark-Casey: difference
[11:27] Andrew Hellershanks: I'm not saying you need to delay a release for that. Just hoping we have time to get it fixed before official release of 075
[11:27] Nebadon Izumi: well ya, I am just saying if we do manage to get it fixed in time
[11:27] Nebadon Izumi: it would be a good thing to include
[11:27] Nebadon Izumi: I am not saying wait
[11:27] Justin Clark-Casey: no, this kind of fix needs weeks to shake out, so probably not
[11:28] Nebadon Izumi: you think
[11:28] Nebadon Izumi: i think we'll know pretty immediately
[11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: weeks?
[11:28] Justin Clark-Casey: but then I still need to look at that animation issue which might delay things anyway
[11:28] Cuteulala Artis: Weeks means lazy
[11:28] Nebadon Izumi: ok
[11:28] Justin Clark-Casey: so I'm saying maybe but far, far from guaranteed
[11:28] Nebadon Izumi: haha
[11:28] Nebadon Izumi: ok we can test the hell out of it in a few hours
[11:28] Justin Clark-Casey: in any case, 0.7.6 will come around before you know it
[11:28] Cuteulala Artis: id test it
[11:29] Cuteulala Artis: its to bad im not a dev cause im sure id fix stuff as fast as i can make asim
[11:29] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:29] Justin Clark-Casey: wekks does not mean lazy - it's inevitible with the complexity of the software
[11:29] Nebadon Izumi: my sim is coming up now
[11:29] Nebadon Izumi: i'll test with an alt
[11:29] Justin Clark-Casey: issues often emerge many weeks after changes
[11:29] Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: I was testing a release in a test grid and it seemed ok. Put it on the live grid, and problems. Testing won't always show up all the issues.
[11:30] Cuteulala Artis: Cant let a small team of people woop a giant team of people in fixes
[11:30] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:30] Justin Clark-Casey: exactly
[11:32] Nebadon Izumi: i have a tree uploading now
[11:33] Andrew Hellershanks: Is that bit of code only used during mesh uploads?
[11:33] Justin Clark-Casey: no, in theory it's also used for other uploads like animations
[11:33] Justin Clark-Casey: I'm not totally sure if they're going through http though
[11:34] Justin Clark-Casey: however, the vast majority of that code handles the mesh upload "object" case
[11:34] Nebadon Izumi: that didnt help
[11:34] Nebadon Izumi: unfortunately
[11:34] Nebadon Izumi: :(
[11:35] Nebadon Izumi: still rotated wrong
[11:35] Cuteulala Artis: hehehe
[11:35] Cuteulala Artis: hehe aww
[11:35] Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.5 Dev          503c906: 2013-02-04 07:09:36 +0000 (Unix/Mono)
[11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon: same wrong as before?
[11:36] Justin Clark-Casey: ah, hold on
[11:37] Justin Clark-Casey: the root rotation is not ignored - it is processed in grp.UpdateGroupRotationT(rotations[0])
[11:37] Justin Clark-Casey: I wonder if the order is wrong
[11:37] Justin Clark-Casey: in theory it shouldnt' matter
[11:37] Andrew Hellershanks: could make sense. Child prim parameters are (often/always/) handled separately from root prim.
[11:38] Andrew Hellershanks: child ones are relative to root
[11:38] OKC Racer v0.286x (super-tester 2): You are not the owner of this vehicle, but you can copy it and have your own to test in this sim.
[11:38] Cuteulala Artis: hehe'
[11:38] Cuteulala Artis: i love the alarm
[11:38] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:38] Neovo Geesink: Hello everyone.
[11:39] Andrew Hellershanks: Hi, Neovo
[11:40] Cuteulala Artis: hehehe
[11:40] Cuteulala Artis: hehe i not the meeting type of girl i too hyper to sit
[11:41] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: so summarize for me - how wrong are all the child prim rotatios relative to the root prim rotation?
[11:42] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:42] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:43] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:43] Teravus Ousley: the positions are offset by a rotation.. and the rotation is off equally..
[11:43] Dahlia Trimble is offline.
[11:43] Teravus Ousley: .. so it's the rotation there that's off.
[11:44] Justin Clark-Casey: the object is initially being created with the Quaternion.Identity rotation
[11:44] Justin Clark-Casey: then the child rotatios are applied
[11:44] Justin Clark-Casey: then finally the whole group is rotated using UpdateGroupRotationR()
[11:44] Justin Clark-Casey: with the root rotation
[11:45] Justin Clark-Casey: perhaps the other rotations are absolute and not relative to the root rotation
[11:46] Dahlia Trimble is online.
[11:46] Justin Clark-Casey: though in theory that would be taken care of by setting the group initially with the Quaternion.Identity rotation
[11:46] Andrew Hellershanks: That sounds possible
[11:46] Justin Clark-Casey: unless that's wrong
[11:47] Justin Clark-Casey: anyway, as nebadon is now off with the fairies, any other opensim topics today? :)
[11:48] Teravus Ousley is de-stache-ing as a result of fairies...
[11:48] Dahlia Trimble: hi
[11:48] Justin Clark-Casey: hi dahlia
[11:48] Andrew Hellershanks: hm... log the rotations being read/applied to help diagnose which rotation(s) aren't right.
[11:48] Teravus Ousley: Hey Dahlia
[11:49] logger sewell: Hi Dahlia
[11:50] Dahlia Trimble: so quiet today
[11:50] Fly Man: Yeah, Justin asked if we have any other questions
[11:50] Fly Man: and it seems no one has any
[11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: yay!
[11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: man firefox was really beating my machine - closed it and my fps leapt up
[11:51] Fly Man: But I can always think up some Q's :D
[11:51] Fly Man: * When will 0.7.5. be released ?
[11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: real soon now
[11:51] Teravus Ousley: Never jump off a cliff with a guy name Cliff. There are too many cliffs
[11:51] Fly Man: * Why is Justin still wearing yellow ?
[11:52] Justin Clark-Casey: this is what I wear in real life
[11:52] Justin Clark-Casey: it's so the custard stains don't show
[11:52] Arielle.Popstar long underwear does yellow with age :)
[11:52] Fly Man: And one for Teravus: How is the testing with more then 1 IclientNetWork server ?
[11:53] Dahlia Trimble: like that dancing guy in the patking lot in the gangnam style video
[11:53] Dahlia Trimble: all yellow
[11:53] Justin Clark-Casey: I am curious as to what Teravus is doing with that :)
[11:53] Fly Man: Yes, my guess is he's building a cluster
[11:54] Teravus Ousley: heh
[11:54] Teravus Ousley: You saw that did you?
[11:54] Fly Man laughs
[11:54] Fly Man: I know you long enough to think that I read ;)
[11:54] Cuteulala Artis: lol apple is a peice of shit
[11:54] Justin Clark-Casey: oh yes :)
[11:54] Justin Clark-Casey: apple is not a piece of shit
[11:54] Cuteulala Artis: they say they fix app store crash on ios6.1
[11:54] Justin Clark-Casey: man, I really have to preface my remarks
[11:55] Fly Man: Cute, they didn't
[11:55] Cuteulala Artis: still crashing and ic ant acess purchased apps
[11:55] Cuteulala Artis: :P
[11:55] Teravus Ousley: well.. IClientCore hasn't really ever taken hold
[11:55] Teravus Ousley: and so, we're left with IClientAPI
[11:55] Teravus Ousley: and.. IClientNetworkServer
[11:55] Cuteulala Artis: They have gorgious hardware and crappy software
[11:56] Teravus Ousley: If any effort is going to be made for other client implementations. at the server level (not module).. it's going to have be configured and picked up.
[11:56] Teravus Ousley: and so that's what I was gong for.
[11:56] Teravus Ousley: .. going
[11:56] Fly Man: So, in short, you're working on world domination ...
[11:57] Fly Man: and forgot to tell us :P
[11:57] Teravus Ousley: With mustaches
[11:57] Justin Clark-Casey: teravus: anything in particular in mind?
[11:57] Fly Man: But I think it's really good to have things seperated
[11:57] Dahlia Trimble: I have an alternate client stack that implements IClientApi
[11:57] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:57] Dahlia Trimble: it doesnt use LL protocol
[11:57] Cuteulala Artis: lol
[11:58] Teravus Ousley: I have a few thoughts. I secretly want to make a javascript remote access system that shows you a map tile image and green dots on the map that can later be used for something more.
[11:58] Justin Clark-Casey: using tcp rather than udp?
[11:59] Teravus Ousley: Yes. :) Javascript doesn't do UDP
[11:59] Fly Man: Node.JS ?
[11:59] Fly Man: or pure ?
[11:59] Teravus Ousley: It would be pure javascript and html5 probably
[11:59] Fly Man: kk
[12:00] Teravus Ousley: There are a lot of configuration elements to IClientNetworkServer
[12:00] Dahlia Trimble: IClientAPI should have all you need for that other than login
[12:00] Teravus Ousley: so it didn't seem harmful.
[12:00] Justin Clark-Casey: I always thought the biggest issue with tcp was with things that required either update or could wait for the next packet to come along
[12:00] Justin Clark-Casey: but then cloudparty appears to manage over just tcp
[12:00] Teravus Ousley: That's right. TCP isn't good for everything
[12:01] Teravus Ousley: but.. it's better then nothing.. that UDP is with JavaScript :)
[12:01] Dahlia Trimble: TCP can bog down if you need real time updating and you have packet loss
[12:01] Nebadon Izumi: how the heck did i end up downstairs?
[12:01] Fly Man points nose
[12:01] Nebadon Izumi: did i fall through the floor?
[12:01] Jak Daniels: lol
[12:01] Dahlia Trimble: its also less convient since its nit message based
[12:01] Fly Man: Ask the custard men
[12:01] Justin Clark-Casey: I kinda might have pushed you threough the floor
[12:01] Dahlia Trimble: *not
[12:02] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: the fairies returned you then? :)
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: heh no idea
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: hope its not a bulletsim bug
[12:02] Teravus Ousley: :) So anyway.. I'm hijacking OpenSim_HTTPServer into doing new things.
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: i had viewer minimized for a minute
[12:02] Justin Clark-Casey: no, I pushed you through it
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: oh
[12:02] Nebadon Izumi: you pushed me through the floor?
[12:03] Justin Clark-Casey: teravus: I'm not sure how good that c# httpserver is
[12:03] Fly Man: He smashed your head with a prim
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: I didn't know you could push someone through a solid object
[12:03] Justin Clark-Casey: seem to have prolems with it on occasion
[12:03] Nebadon Izumi: oh
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: hm... I should make a sculpty anvil
[12:03] Joe Radik learned something today...about crushing avatars. hehe
[12:03] Teravus Ousley: it's actually pretty fast :) but it doesn't always handle threads and buffers well
[12:03] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: yes - just for grins
[12:03] logger sewell: I wont say a word nope not me and even if I did know something i wouldn't tell
[12:03] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[12:04] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: so anyway - ytou might want to check that's really the code being used on mesh upload
[12:04] Fly Man: Neb, rezz it above you
[12:04] Fly Man: then gently slide it down on the Z
[12:04] Fly Man: it will push your AV down
[12:04] Justin Clark-Casey: as I said, the root rotation is actually being used on the UpdateGroupRotationR() call
[12:04] Fly Man: until you are under the floor
[12:04] Teravus Ousley: I think after I finish what I'm doing to C# webserver.. the hijacking will make sense.
[12:05] Nebadon Izumi: where is that call?
[12:05] Nebadon Izumi: same file?
[12:05] Justin Clark-Casey: it's immediatley below where the child prim rotations are set
[12:05] Nebadon Izumi: ya i see it
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: on line 616, the SOG is initially set up with the Quaternion.Identity rotation
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: then the child rotations are applied
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: then the whole group is rotated with the root rotation
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: which in theory should be fine, if child rotations are specified with respect to the identity rotation
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: perhaps that's wrong in some way
[12:06] Dahlia Trimble: Teravus, hijaking?
[12:06] Andrew Hellershanks: Doesn't skip a prim when applying rotation to whole group?
[12:07] Teravus Ousley: Dahlia: forcing it to do things that the writer never intended.
[12:07] Teravus Ousley: :)
[12:07] Dahlia Trimble: lol
[12:07] Teravus Ousley: It was only supposed to be a http/1.0 server
[12:07] Teravus Ousley: .. then it was hacked into a http 1.1 server.
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: .. and it had a bunch of errors..
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: we submitted fixes :)
[12:08] Dahlia Trimble: :)
[12:08] Fearghus McMahon: hi all
[12:08] Dahlia Trimble: hi
[12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: hi fearghus
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: Then the thread context was blowing up in some cases...
[12:08] Fly Man: Hey Blue, how did the Static maptile work out ?
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: we submitted fixes :)
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: and now the original author has moved one.
[12:08] Teravus Ousley: .. moved on.
[12:09] Teravus Ousley: so, like we always say.. .. if it has bugs we can keep them :D
[12:09] Dahlia Trimble: all of them? for free?
[12:09] Teravus Ousley: heh
[12:09] Fly Man: No, when we break it
[12:10] Fly Man: you get to keep the 2 pieces :P
[12:10] Teravus Ousley: We are admittedly using C# HttpServer a lot differently then the average use of it :)
[12:11] Justin Clark-Casey: alright, well I have to go
[12:11] Teravus Ousley: ok, take care.
[12:11] Justin Clark-Casey: bye folks
[12:11] Nebadon Izumi: see you justin
[12:11] Teravus Ousley: Thanks for the meeting.
[12:11] Fly Man: Have a good one Justin
[12:11] Ashton Nobilis: take care Justin
[12:11] Fearghus McMahon: take care Justin
[12:11] logger sewell: tc Justin
[12:11] Dahlia Trimble: bye
[12:11] Arielle.Popstar Tc Justin
[12:11] Justin Clark-Casey waves
[12:11] Sarah Kline: bye
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