<div dir="ltr">Hello,<div>I was wondering if there is a way for making the lips of an NPC move ... when say am triggering a sound file in some puppeteering system. Text chat messages does not seem to actually work .. unless the user is staring at the bottom left of the screen ....chat bubble is an option (if nothing else is available).<br clear="all">
<div style>May be I should try animating faces... I recall there were some old SL animations to represent various emotions and try to work with that</div><div style>Let me know if you have any ideas</div><div style>Ramesh</div>
-- <br><font color="#999999">'Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.'</font><br><b>Rameshsharma Ramloll</b> PhD, CEO CTO DeepSemaphore LLC, Affiliate <i>Research Associate Professor</i>, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 Tel: 208-240-0040<br>
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