I checked several sources to find the count of online avatars: (1)server command: show users, (2)server command: monitor report, (3) the count of avatars when I move the mouse cursor to each island at the world map. (4) server command: show stats<br>
<br>There are 2 island on the same region with some online avatars at the same time. When I checked the above sources, I felt confused.<br><br>source (1): Result of "show users"<br><div style="margin-left:40px">
 Agents connected: 12<br></div><br>source (2): Result of "monitor report"<br><div style="margin-left:40px">[MonitorModule]: Island1 reports Root Agent Count = 3 agent(s)<br>[MonitorModule]: Island1 reports Child Agent Count = 1 child agent(s)<br>
~<br>[MonitorModule]: Island2 reports Root Agent Count = 7 agent(s)<br>[MonitorModule]: Island2 reports Child Agent Count = 0 child agent(s)<br></div><br>source (3): info on the world map<br><div style="margin-left:40px">
Island1: 8 avatars + Island2: 7 avatars = 15 avatars<br></div><br>source (4) Result of "show stats"<br><div style="margin-left:40px">RootAg (# of root agents): 7Â <br>ChldAg (# of child agents): 0<br></div><br>
Source(3) seems not exact number. <br><br>I checked some results of source (2) at different time, If 2 avatars plus "Island1 reports Root Agent Count", and plus "Island2 reports Root Agent Count". The sum will equal to source (1). It seems so strange! Which source should I believe?<br>