<div class="gmail_quote"><div>I really like the mesh models on Blendswap.com [and I think it was Lee (and others) that provided this site tip -- thank you!]. In turn, I downloaded an alligator (in a blender file format), uploaded the mesh into Blender and then exported the file as a dae file, and uploaded the mesh (using the Phoenix Firestorm viewer) into OpenSim. </div>
<div> </div><div>Still, while all of the above worked like a charm (and I clicked on the box "upload texture" when I uploaded the model in the OS), I lost the texture. That is, my alligator has a perfect shape but has a blank texture.</div>
<div> </div><div>Any tips on uploading the texture with the mesh model? That is, the alligator's texture was visible when the model was open in Blender. Did I lose the texture on the export out of Blender or during the upload into the OS?</div>
<div> </div><div>Best,</div><div>Kay </div></div>