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Do I remember right. Is the command to make a image of a region for
a possible map on a web site broken. I remeber doing it in the past
using this:<br>
change region Shuri Village<br>
export-map c:/xampp/htdocs/Shuri_Village.jpg<br>
That was used in the console or the startup_commands.txt. Either
way, it don't seem to be producing an image. I was hoping I
wouldn't need to install a web front end on my standalone for just
that task.<br>
Thanks for your time.<br>
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Opensim User: Standalone Grid on Version with 49 Regions
On Windows 7, 64-bit. Quad Core With a Terrabyte Drive, and 8gig
Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, and MySQL 5.1.41-community