Heya Jaeoen,<br><br>The login service over SSL is pretty straight forward. It's really just apache httpd with mod_proxy, who proxies in the user's request to the Robust. I'm not much of a line for line instructional type but I wrote up a quick article on how it was achieved:<br>
<br><a href="http://dyngrid.com/technical-articles-and-whitepapers">http://dyngrid.com/technical-articles-and-whitepapers</a><br><br>Still hoping someone out there has managed to get OpenSim itself going. I'll probably bang my head on it all night tonight anyways :-) I have a feeling that I may end up with the same type of recipe combining iptables into the mix (just conjecture here, time to experiement) <br>
<br>- Eric<br>