Hello<br><br> I just want to send out a word of caution to the users or potential users of the dodgy types of viewers that you have mentioned . There is currently an SQL database being assembled with the names of users who are using these clients and apparently many of them have been banned . Here is a link to the name list , just to show that its out there . <br>
<br><a href=""></a>]<br>
<br><br> Please use caution with these viewers at the moment , unless you don't mind your name being gathered in a database . Also please note that using a secondary avie instead of your main avie doesn't neccessarily protect your main avatar or any other avie that is being used by your IP . General IP bans are known to happen and you are lucky if your secondary avie is the only one that has been taken . At the present time , it is probably best to steer away from these viewers unless you really know what you are doing and know or speak to the developer of the viewer .<br>
<br>Kind Regards<br>Tara <br>