Hi,<br><br>Albert from Hispagrid uploaded modrex binary with all the necessary servers (opensim + realXtend authentication+avatar storage) and instructions to CTN web site. Grab your copy here (tested in Windows):<br><h2 class="postTitle">
<font size="2"><a href="http://www.cybertechnews.org/?p=1290">realXtend Modrex status update</a></font></h2>Note that modrex is still pre-alpha and may not work as expected.<br><br>Modrex is a DLL that provides the realxtend enhancements to an Opensim server; voice, free-form avatar, 3D meshes, shadows, OGRE3D rendering, skype calls, and more. (realXtend viewer is needed too!)<br>
<br>Best regards,<br>Jani<br><br>PS: check also tutorials how to do things in realXtend: <a href="http://wiki.realxtend.org">http://wiki.realxtend.org</a><br>and this: <a href="http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Content_Community_Contributed_Tutorials">http://wiki.realxtend.org/index.php/Content_Community_Contributed_Tutorials</a><br>