Hi!<br>I signed up a few months ago for one of the $15 Tektonic virtual private servers mentioned in many places.. It works pretty good to host my personal sandbox, but I was snooping around the net, and discovered another vendor that has a MUCH better deal.. Its called fsckvps (<a href="http://www.fsckvps.com">http://www.fsckvps.com</a>).. Their base plan at $9.95/mo is 512mb of ram-burstable to 1GB, 20GB diskspace, 400GB transfer.. whereas tektonics base plan is $15/mo, with only 294MB, NOT burstable, 13GB diskspace, and 500GB transfer.. Since a small OpenSim sandbox or sim on a grid is not likely to hit even 400GB/mo of transfer, and the more memory the better, I'm seriously considering moving over to this... Since I''m starting to see frequent crashes of my sim, I suspect the additional ram might help... Just a tip, I have nothing to do with either of these companies....<br>