[Opensim-users] OSCC21 Audience Feature Suggestions

Joe Greene jgreene at greenemyst.com
Sun Feb 13 22:32:28 UTC 2022

I think a lot of people responding are misunderstanding what Frans was posting. Frans was posting the results from a survey taken at the OSCC21 (OpenSim Community Convention?). Not posing a queston to this users group. As for teh item 22 I suspect by 'Meta' they meant Favedbook's VR division renamed to a name stolen from another company by brute force. Whoc would in my questionable opinion to mean they want VR support for OpenSim to make it more like Metaverse as proposed by Facebook VR (I refuse to give them the satisfaction of calling tthme by the stolen TM). While I would be ecstatic to see VR support.. I believe Opensim already provides such data as is necessary and therefore the VR support would have to be client side more than server side.

Sent via Android Phone
Joe Greene
Aka volgclawtooth at greenemyst.com

Feb 13, 2022 13:50:38 Luisillo Contepomi <luisillocontepomi at gmail.com>:

> On 12/02/2022 0:23, Frans wrote:
>> *What Feature would you like to see in OpenSimulator*
> 1.-Opensim Viewer
> 2.-Voice system
> 3.-Modules, search, bank, admin by web, integrated in code
> Thank you for your efforts,
> Luisillo
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