[Opensim-users] Lightning and zero G posture

kelso.uxlay at telus.net kelso.uxlay at telus.net
Sun Feb 13 22:08:06 UTC 2022

Hi Clint
You can get a free, complete, opensource weather system by Aaack  at
Short description at  https://opensimworld.com/post/83115

-----Message d'origine-----
De : opensim-users-bounces at opensimulator.org
<opensim-users-bounces at opensimulator.org> De la part de Clint Ellis
Envoyé : 13 février 2022 11:41
À : opensim-users at opensimulator.org
Objet : [Opensim-users] Lightning and zero G posture

Years ago in second life I purchased a weather system which could do a good
job of generating rain, snow, thunder and lightning. I'm trying to do the
same in opensim.
Second question: I want to build orbital stations and while I can create a
region with no gravity (so I presume) I need a zero her pose or posture. I
haven't learned to build postures yet- if one is available I won't have to.
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