[Opensim-users] Changing the default Individual simulators maptile generation location

Todd Davis darricerise at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 15:25:47 UTC 2021


Is there a way to change the default location of where the
maptiles generate for each simulator in grid mode? This is for the
individual regions not the robust.  I am configuring each region to run out
of one bin directory with configurations in a separate config directory.  I
notice that maptiles generate in the bin directory.  I would like them to
generate in a different directory.  But I can not find where to specify the
directory.   I did change this setting in the GridCommon.ini but that only
applies to linked regions.
    ;; Directory for map tile images of linked regions
    MapTileDirectory = "./maptiles"

I have looked in all the ini's and on the opensimulator.org site and I can
not find a setting to change the directory where the maptiles are generated

Any help would be appreciated.


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