[Opensim-users] new account?

Dave mr2nsmith at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 16 05:02:06 UTC 2020

 I'm trying to create a user account so that I can log in thru a viewer and start creating in-world.  When looking at the main page ("OpenSimulator.org"), at the top right there is a link to "log in / create account".  Since I do not have a login for OpenSim (other than this support email), I clicked "Create Account" to open a User account.  That brings me to this page:

Ok, so I clicked the "reguest one" link, which brings me to this third page:

I entered in my requested username, a password, etc., typed the word "OPENSIMULATOR" in the box below (not much of a security measure, but oh well), clicked "Request Account", and waited.  That was many days ago.  But there has never been an admin email in response to this.  Is there some other method I should be using to create an account?
    On Sunday, November 15, 2020, 06:56:43 PM EST, Melanie Thielker <melanie at t-data.com> wrote:  

if I knew where you're trying to create a new account, I could maybe

- Melanie

On 15/11/2020 23:44, Asaff Belfer wrote:
> I don't think anyone maintains that thing. I'm not sure if I ever got mine.
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2020 at 8:39 PM Dave <mr2nsmith at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I don't know if there even is an appropriate "list" to post this to, but I
> > requested a "new user" account over a week ago, and I haven't heard a thing
> > back.  Does it normally take so long to get approved for an account?
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