[Opensim-users] Rent out grid

Serendipity Seraph seren.seraph at gmail.com
Sun Mar 24 20:34:42 UTC 2019

If it is mainly for workshops and presentations is there any added tool
value like better presentation screens and perhaps app window presentation
screens or hooks to something like Zoom that would make workshops and
meetings more enticing there?  Or is it pretty much stock capabilities
including normal media on a prim?   Another one I have wished for myself is
ability to show synchronized video.  Given that general ability some of the
other tools would be easier.  Such exists on the Web at large but the
services like that I have tried on MOAP did not work so well.   Other
possible value adds would be good web interface for creating and managing
users and perhaps general web groupware stuff for use by groups in world
and out.  This possible market is one I have thought a little bit about

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 10:04 PM Timeka Cobb <coti032 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello to allšŸ˜Š
> I have a grid that I want to rent out for professional use ie meetings,
> workshops, presentations, etc. How do I go about renting my grid out for a
> fee? Also how much would I charge?  Thank ya for the help!
> www.swarzee.outworldz.net:8002
> Blessingsā¤,
> Timeka Cobb
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