[Opensim-users] Special Track on XR & Immersive Learning Environments @ IEEE TALE 2018 (Australia, 4-7 December)
Lee, Mark
malee at csu.edu.au
Sun Jul 1 12:09:08 UTC 2018
Special Track on XR & Immersive Learning Environments
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
4–7 December 2018
Submission deadline: 10 August 2018
https://www.tale2018.org/xr <https://immersivelrn.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=065c4155bc8f12ce4960c174b&id=9b8dd6bc4d&e=83de6c70cc>
The Special Track on XR & Immersive Environments for Learning at IEEE TALE 2018 will focus on the use of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and related technologies for creating environments and experiences that excite, inspire and engage learners in immersive ways. Of interest are reports of both research studies and applications covering the entire spectrum of immersive platform types, including desktop, mobile, wearable and room-based (e.g., CAVE). Authors and presenters are encouraged to think creatively in terms of how they might frame their work to accommodate different conceptions of and perspectives on immersion.
1. Pedagogy & learning design for XR (VR/AR/MR) & immersive environments
2. Technical infrastructure & standards for supporting XR & immersive learning
3. Design & application of XR & immersive technologies in K-12 & higher education
4. Design & application of XR & immersive technologies in vocational/workplace training
5. Applications of XR & immersive technologies in informal & lifelong learning
6. Collaborative learning (co-located or distributed) with XR & immersive technologies
7. Assessment & impact of learning in X-reality & immersive environments
8. Intelligent, adaptive & personalised learning in XR & immersive environments
9. Serious games for learning based on XR & immersive technologies
10. Promoting access & equity in education through XR & immersive technologies
Important Dates
Papers Submission Deadline: 10 August 2018
Notification of Review Outcomes: 17 August 2018 (for submissions prior to 2 July); 5 September 2018 (later submissions)
Camera-ready Manuscript: 1 October 2018
Early-bird and Presenter Registration Deadline: 8 October 2018
Main Conference and Special Sessions: 4-7 December 2018
Full (6-8 pages) or short (4-6 pages) paper w/ presentation (Academic Stream)
Short (4-6 pages) or work-in-progress paper (2-4 pages) w/ poster (Academic Stream)
Abstract-only* (1-2 pages) w/ presentation or poster (Practitioner Stream)
Special sessions, panels & pre-conference workshops (including hands-on opportunities)
* Abstract-only submissions will not be published in the proceedings or on IEEE Xplore.
All accepted and registered full, short, and work-in-progress papers that are presented at TALE 2018 in the Academic Stream will be published in the conference proceedings (USB with ISBN) and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library. All content loaded into Xplore is also made available to IEEE's abstracting and indexing partners, including Elsevier (Scopus, Ei Compendex), Clarivate Analytics (CPCI—part of Web of Science) and others, for potential indexing.
For presentations in the Practitioner Stream, abridged versions of abstracts will be made available to attendees via the conference program, but will NOT be published in the conference proceedings or on IEEE Xplore.
Authors of selected papers from the Special Track may be invited to submit revised and expanded versions of their work for possible publication in a special issue of the Springer journal Virtual Reality <https://immersivelrn.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=065c4155bc8f12ce4960c174b&id=c8ee33e24e&e=83de6c70cc> (2016 JCR Impact Factor: 0.628), subject to the journal's normal peer-review process.
Applications are also being sought from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to join the Program Committee as reviewers for the Special Track. The minimum requirement is a Master's degree plus research experience. Individuals interested in serving in this capacity should complete the form at https://bit.ly/2JNJhLY <https://bit.ly/2JNJhLY> .
Jonathon Richter, Salish Kootenai College, USA
Minjuan Wang, San Diego State University, USA
Nian-Shing Chen, National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan
Mark J. W. Lee, Charles Sturt University, Australia
CONTACT: xreality at tale2018.org <mailto:xreality at tale2018.org>
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