[Opensim-users] New Arrival! Pedagogy - Taking Stock and Looking Forward (part 1) is released! The newest issue of the Journal for Virtual Worlds Research

The Journal for Virtual Worlds Research Tzafnat.Shpak at jvwresearch.org
Sat Dec 29 07:47:22 UTC 2018

Volume 11, Number 3 (2018). Much has changed since the heady days of the
late 2000s, yet many aspects have proved enduring.
(Part 1)*
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We are happy to announce the publication of a NEW ISSUE of the Journal of
Virtual Worlds Research (JVWR):
  Volume 11, Number 3 (2018): Pedagogy - Taking Stock and Looking Forward
(Part 1)

Issue Editors: *Kenneth Y. T. Lim*, National Institute of Education,
Singapore and *Cátia Ferreira*, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

2019 marks the tenth anniversary of a landmark issue of the Journal of
Virtual Worlds Research, which was themed on ‘Pedagogy.’ Issue No. 1 in
Vol. 2 of the journal was the fruition of a vision of the late Leslie
Jarmon. Dr. Jarmon was a pioneer academic in the use of virtual worlds and
immersive environments for learning.

This issue aims to document both the present and emerging state-of-the-art,
covering the adoption, design, enaction, scaling and translation of
immersive and/or mixed-reality environments for learning, and in other
contexts of education.
Issue Editor Corner

*Kenneth Y T Lim, Catia Ferreira*
Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Marginalized Urban Indigenous Youth and the Virtual World of Second Life:
Understanding the Past and Building a Hopeful Future
*Joe Cloutier*

Designing Digital Badges to Improve Learning in Virtual Worlds
*Joey R Fanfarelli*

Student Perception of Open and Mobile Space Designs for Autonomous English
Language Learning in Second Life
*Dean Anthony Fabi Gui*

The Game of Inventing: Ludic Heuristics, Ontological Play, and Pleasurable
*Jacob Steven Euteneuer*

A Teaching Method Based on Virtual Worlds and Mastery Learning
*Felipe Becker Nunes, Aliane Loureiro Krassmann, Liane Margarida Rockenbach
Tarouco, José Valdeni De Lima*

Representations of Novice Conceptions with Learner-Generated Augmentation:
A Framework for Curriculum Design with Augmented Reality
*Kenneth Y T Lim, Kelvin H.-C. Chen, Sheau-Wen Lin, Jong-Chin Huang,
Kristal S-E Ng, Joel J L Ng, Yifei Wang, Nicholas Woong*

More from The JVWR   Jvwresearch.org is now JVWR.net
As part of the 2019 upgrade, we have moved the site to JVWR.net
The corresponding domain is still @ jvwresearch.org

This symbolizes the re-emphasis on our community and network.
This is an ongoing process that includes many aspects. For now, the main
site domain is jvwr.net
Our backend publishing system remains the same.


This publication is also an opportunity to let you know that we have extended
the deadline
for our 2019 Q2 issue on *Impact of Immersive Environments* - till *January
7th, 2019*. Please upload your abstracts to the system via our homepage
(upper right.)

The first issue of 2019 will be *Part 2* of *Pedagogy - Taking Stock and
Looking Forward*. We will publish the next annual Assembled issue, part of
#TheJVWR well-known *Assembled series*, in *Q3/2019*. This series is a
place for various papers, on the topic of the journal, collected during the
preceding year. You are invited to upload your research paper at any time
to our system (register here
and it will be considered as a candidate for publication in 2019.

Each JVWR issue is managed by one managing Issue Editor with an option for
2-3 co-editors. The managing issue editor is the prime contact person and
the leader behind it. Issue editors take full charge of one issue.

If you are interested, please visit For Issue Editors
page to learn more about becoming a JVWR editor, and send us a word

It is also an invitation to explore our previous publications and
contribute as authors or as editors of future special issues.


More things you can do:

   - Subscribe
   to our mailing list (top left of #TheJVWR home page to receive news and
   updates (no spam guaranteed.)
   - Connect with us on twitter
   @TheJVWR and on our Facebook
   page (TheJVWR).


*Prof. Yesha Y. Sivan*

*The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research*


Pedagogy - Taking Stock and Looking Forward (Part 1)
Vol. 11, No. 3
*Copyright © 2018 Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, All rights reserved.*

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