[Opensim-users] Published: IEEE TLT special issue on Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things

Lee, Mark malee at csu.edu.au
Thu Dec 15 02:38:10 UTC 2016

Dear colleagues,

Some of you might be interested to know that the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT) that I guest edited on the topic of Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things has just been published. A "sister" issue of the IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE) on Maker Learning in Computer Science and Engineering Education is slated for release in February 2017.

My guest editorial preface to the TLT special issue is free to download at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2016.2629379 and provides an overview of the six articles that constitute the issue. The full issue is available through IEEE Xplore at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=4620076 (Click on the "Current Issue" link). Please note that TLT operates on a "delayed open-access" publication model whereby the articles are initially only available to Xplore subscribers (most university libraries have subscriptions), but become open access 12 months following publication. 

For your convenience, a listing of the issue's contents is appended below.

Please feel free to share this message widely with others who might be interested, both individually and through the networks and associations of which you are a part.

Happy reading!

Kind regards,

Mark J. W. Lee
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, School of Education, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Engineering and IT, Federation University, Australia
Visiting Faculty, Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

*** IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies Special Issue on Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things ***

Guest Editorial: Special Section on Learning through Wearable Technologies and the Internet of Things (FREE ACCESS)
Mark J. W. Lee 

gPhysics—Using Smart Glasses for Head-Centered, Context-Aware Learning in Physics Experiments 
Jochen Kuhn, Paul Lukowicz, Michael Hirth, Andreas Poxrucker, Jens Weppner, and Junaid Younas 

Can You Help Me with My Pitch? Studying a Tool for Real-Time Automated Feedback 
Jan Schneider, Dirk Börner, Peter van Rosmalen, and Marcus Specht 
Enhancing Physical Education with Exergames and Wearable Technology 
Renny Lindberg, Jungryul Seo, and Teemu H. Laine 
Representing and Reconciling Personal Data and Experience in a Wearable Technology Gaming Project 
Cynthia Carter Ching, Mary K. Stewart, Danielle E. Hagood, and Roxanne Naseem Rashedi 
Appropriating Quantified Self Technologies to Support Elementary Statistical Teaching and Learning 
Victor R. Lee, Joel R. Drake, and Jeffrey L. Thayne 

Introducing IoT and Wearable Technologies into Task-Based Language Learning for Young Children 
Elena de la Guía , Vicente López Camacho, Luis Orozco-Barbosa, Víctor M. Brea Luján, Víctor M. R. Penichet, and María Lozano Pérez

Knowledge Construction in Computer Science and Engineering when Learning Through Making
Patricia Charlton and Katerina Avramides

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