[Opensim-users] OSSL OSFunctionThreatLevel no longer works in opensim since the OSgrid packaged release of 2015-10-18 0.8.3 dev

dz dz at bitzend.net
Wed Oct 28 14:19:07 UTC 2015

> From: Fred Beckhusen <fred at mitsi.com>
> To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org
> Subject: [Opensim-users] OSSL OSFunctionThreatLevel no longer,  works
>         [Ferd Frederix]
> Message-ID: <562FA1FE.3000207 at mitsi.com>
> Hi Thomas:
> You had OSFunctionThreatLevel = VeryHigh followed by a list of Allow* =
> true in your original ini files.  OSFunctionThreatLevel = VeryHigh  was
> probably all you needed.   That one line set all functions "true" so anyone
> can do anything they want, which is also very dangerous. Any visitor could
> easily kill your systems with that high of a threat level. In spite of the
> warnings, pretty much everyone set it to VeryHigh (including me) which was
> not good.


While  I am happy to see the issue raised  is resolved,  it pains me
greatly to see comments like this..  Lets be clear about a couple things...

1. Letting users run ANY script can be "dangerous" to the performance of
your grid, whether it uses  OS functions  or not.
Any user  with script execute permissions can start a script  that repeated
 calls  a resource consuming  function to degrade  the  sim / grid
performance. So  just setting  OSFunctionThreatLevel  is  NOT a grid wide
solution.   It is a reminder to Grid operators  that they need to consider
the implications of what they allow.

2. It is clear that the threat levels assigned to the  OS functions  have
 historically  been  "dramatic".
NPC related functions are still labelled SEVERE, even though a lot of work
has been directed  at making the default  NPC creation/destruction process
 much less "dangerous".  You need to balance the benefits with the possible
 consequences.   I've  crashed  more sims  using  OSDraw functions  (which
have a lower threat level, but  over time can consume  significantly more
resources)  than I have  generating  100's of NPCs  at a time.

3. The OS functions  can provide SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER performing  scripts
than attempting to perform the same operations in "standard" LSL.   For
instance..  Animation Overrides  where  OS functions eliminate the need to
loop 5 times a second to find out if the animation state  has changed.

4.  OS functions  enable a much BROADER range of scripted applications than
standard LSL  and  should be be promoted  as one of the advantages of the
 OpenSim platform  vs that Linden Place.

Please  don't  just say  "They are dangerous,  restrict them" ....

Doug Osborn

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