[Opensim-users] osgrid-opensim-11242015.v. APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

Thomas Ringate tringate at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 18:01:13 UTC 2015

I have not had this issue with the new releases.  The way I always upgrade to a new release is to rename my existing bin folder to bin-old, then copy over the bin folder from the new release.  after that I only need to copy over my  “region” folder and my “FlotsamCache.ini and GridCommon.ini” files into the new release and restart it.  This ensures there are no leftover old modules.

I make all of my changes to GridCommon.ini and do not change anything in the opensim.ini file.  That way updates are very easy, and I only need to examine the GridCommon.ini to see if anything new has changed.

It sounds like you may be over writing your old folder which I do not do.

There are some fairly serious issues with the current OSgrid releases, and I would recommend you wait another release or two before giving it a try.

I reverted all of my regions back to the osgrid-opensim-10212015.v0.8.3.41b2855  and am only testing with one region now.

I have discovered some scripts simply do not work and have not been able to find the functions that are causing the issues so I can report them.

From: Radioactive Rosca 
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2015 7:33 AM
To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org 
Subject: [Opensim-users] osgrid-opensim-11242015.v. APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs


When trying to upgrade from osgrid-opensim-10212015.v0.8.3.41b2855 to osgrid-opensim-11242015.v. or previous one, I always get the following error and the OpenSim aborts.  

I tried to compare the .ini file with the one included and only the options related with the NPC's. I even tried with a OpenSim with only one region and almost empty (Radioactive 14) and I always get the abort. 

Overtiring with the old 0.8.3 version from the zip file (without the .ini file) solves the problem. Can anyone help? 

2015-11-28 11:54:48,621 INFO  (1) - OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1 [PLUGINS]: Plugin Loaded: OpenSimProfile
2015-11-28 11:54:48,624 INFO  (1) - OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1 [PLUGINS]: Plugin Loaded: OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.Meshing
2015-11-28 11:54:48,879 ERROR (1) - OpenSim.Application [APPLICATION]: 
APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs

Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CreateMesh' in type 'OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.Meshing.ZeroMesher' from assembly 'OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.Meshing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetType(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetType(String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase)
   at Mono.Addins.RuntimeAddin.GetType(String typeName, Boolean throwIfNotFound)
   at Mono.Addins.TypeExtensionNode.get_Type()
   at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionModulesController.RegionModulesControllerPlugin.AddNode(TypeExtensionNode node, IConfig modulesConfig, Dictionary`2 loadedModules) in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\ApplicationPlugins\RegionModulesController\RegionModulesControllerPlugin.cs:line 194
   at OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionModulesController.RegionModulesControllerPlugin.Initialise(OpenSimBase openSim) in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\ApplicationPlugins\RegionModulesController\RegionModulesControllerPlugin.cs:line 108
   at OpenSim.ApplicationPluginInitialiser.Initialise(IPlugin plugin) in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Region\Application\IApplicationPlugin.cs:line 64
   at OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1.Load() in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Framework\PluginLoader.cs:line 191
   at OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1.Load(String extpoint) in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Framework\PluginLoader.cs:line 153
   at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.LoadPlugins() in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Region\Application\OpenSimBase.cs:line 196
   at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific() in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Region\Application\OpenSimBase.cs:line 271
   at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific() in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Region\Application\OpenSim.cs:line 169
   at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup() in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Framework\Servers\BaseOpenSimServer.cs:line 160
   at OpenSim.Application.Main(String[] args) in k:\OSGRID\opensim-0.9.0-98-g774ac5e\OpenSim\Region\Application\Application.cs:line 326

Application is terminating: True

Best regards.
Rui Costa, Radioactive Rosca

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