[Opensim-users] Script engine issue [listeners] (Karl Dreyer)<-Ferd Frederix

Fred Beckhusen fred at mitsi.com
Fri Jun 5 17:12:35 UTC 2015

The "max_listens_per_script" is the maximum number of listen keys,  which are used as handles, and is not the number of listens arriving, which are events.  The C# code that controls this is at line 560 of WorldCommModule.cs. The number of currently open handles checked when the server creates a llListen.   The server attempts to detect a re-opening of the same listener, but if anything changes, such as the channel, it will add a new listener to the script until it stops making them at the 65th.  I'd take a close look at the scripts that are failing and make certain they are properly using llListenRemove(handle).

Fred Beckhusen/Ferd Frederix

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2015 14:41:03 -0500
From: "Karl Dreyer"<paolinos at islandoasis.biz>
To:opensim-users at opensimulator.org
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Script engine issue [listeners]

  I don't believe that the setting is referencing the number of listeners
in a script.. but rather, the number of listen events per script .. i.e.
the number of times a script can execute the listen capture event ...
?based on the scenario it made sense because the scripts would work
perfectly for a random period of time, then a random subset of scripts
would just cease to function. ?I would imagine that is due to the
fact that those scripts had reached their limit ... so if the
communications between prims such as "server / client" prims
(via llRegionSay) is very active; it could conceivably hit the 64 limit.
?I will point out that all of this is hypothesis based on the
behavior I've seen and the reaction to the change I've made in the
opensimdefaults.ini file.

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