[Opensim-users] How to set up autobackup

Thomas Ringate tringate at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 02:27:19 UTC 2015

I have now put all the parameters directly into the OpenSimDefaults.ini to make sure there was no mistake.  Yet nothing appears to have changed.

The are also in my region.ini file and my StandaloneCommon.ini  file.  Everything else in these files is correctly adjusting those parameters, so I know the files are being properly read.  This is not a new installation, it has been running ever since OSgrid went down.  So I guess that is about 7 months or so.

I do wonder why I do not have the IRegionAutoBackupModule in my bin directory that this feature is suppose to call.  Is it possible the people who package the OSGrid zip release remove this module? 

Here is a segment of the file showing exactly what I put in the OpenSimDefaults.ini.
    DefaultAssetLoader = "OpenSim.Framework.AssetLoader.Filesystem.dll"
    AssetLoaderArgs = "assets/AssetSets.xml"

    ; Disable this to prevent the default asset set from being inserted into the
    ; asset store each time the region starts
    AssetLoaderEnabled = true

    ;; default standalone, overridable in StandaloneCommon.ini
    StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.Null.dll:NullRegionData"

    ;; default is module is disabled at the top level
    AutoBackupModuleEnabled = true
    AutoBackupModuleEnabled = true
    AutoBackupInterval = 30
    AutoBackupDir = /var/opensim/backup/OAR/test/
    AutoBackupNaming = Time

    ;; {Module} {} {Implementation of ISoundModule to use.} {OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.dll:SoundModule}
    Module = OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.dll:SoundModule

    ;; {MaxDistance} {} {Cut-off distance at which sounds will not be sent to users} {100.0}
    MaxDistance = 100.0

Here is the log file after restarting the simulator with the edited defaults file.

2015-02-22 21:12:02,307 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: AutoBackupModule enabled
2015-02-22 21:12:02,310 DEBUG - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: Here is the default config:
2015-02-22 21:12:02,312 DEBUG - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: AutoBackup: DISABLED
[AUTO BACKUP]: Interval: 720 minutes
[AUTO BACKUP]: Do Busy Check: Yes
[AUTO BACKUP]: Naming Type: Time
[AUTO BACKUP]: Backup Dir: .
[AUTO BACKUP]: Script: 

2015-02-22 21:12:02,343 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Asset.FlotsamAssetCache [FLOTSAM ASSET CACHE]: FlotsamAssetCache enabled

They appear to be totally ignored and no backup is taking place.


From: Unadecal Arado 
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 5:22 PM
To: opensim-users at opensimulator.org 
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] How to set up autobackup

I'm not sure if your configuration is not being read correctly, which is strange because you reference AutoBackup config parameters in your StandaloneCommon.ini (I assume you include this file in your Opensim.ini) and also in your regions file. 

Have you tried adding these parameters directly into your Opensim.ini?

You might also want to set AutoBackupBusyCheck=False, since it could also be that the module is procrastinating for some unknown reason.

Hope this helps,


On 22 February 2015 at 21:36, Thomas Ringate <tringate at gmail.com> wrote:

  I can’t figure out what it is I am doing wrong.  I want to set up autobackup but it is not working for me.

  I placed the following into my StandaloneCommon.ini file.

      AutoBackupModuleEnabled = true
      AutoBackupInterval = 30
      AutoBackupDir = /var/opensim/backup/OAR/test/
      AutoBackupNaming = Time

  My expectations were this would set this for all of my regions as their default and if I wanted something different in a specific region I could set new values in that region.

  I let the simulator run for a few hours and no OAR’s were created at all.

  I then added the following to one of my regions.

  AutoBackupModuleEnabled = true
  AutoBackupInterval = 15
  AutoBackupDir = /var/opensim/backup/test/
  AutoBackupNaming = Time

  Left my simulator run for a few more hours and still nothing was saved.

  Looking in my log file I only see the following.

  2015-02-22 14:57:20,124 INFO  - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: AutoBackupModule enabled
  2015-02-22 14:57:20,128 DEBUG - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: Here is the default config:
  2015-02-22 14:57:20,130 DEBUG - OpenSim.Region.OptionalModules.World.AutoBackup.AutoBackupModule [AUTO BACKUP]: AutoBackup: DISABLED
  [AUTO BACKUP]: Interval: 720 minutes
  [AUTO BACKUP]: Do Busy Check: Yes
  [AUTO BACKUP]: Naming Type: Time
  [AUTO BACKUP]: Backup Dir: .
  [AUTO BACKUP]: Script: 

  Searching my bin directory I do not see any file named IRegionAutoBackupModule or anything even close.
  I used the last zip file on OSGrid to build my simulator.  I am running on Linux Fedora 21.
  The simulator has been dormant for the entire testing.  Only logged in once to make sure it was working.
  I never say anything appear in the console window either.


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