[Opensim-users] A grid statistics page

Jeff Kelley opensim at pescadoo.net
Sat Nov 1 03:43:45 UTC 2014

Let's build a nice grid overview like this one :


using the monitoring module :


You should:

- Have a web server with PHP and mysqli
- Have SELECT access to the ROBUST database
- No fear uncommented code
- Supply a short file db_access.php with :

    function sqlUser() { return 'your_sql_user'; }
    function sqlPass() { return 'your_sql_pass'; }
    function sqlHost() { return 'your_sql_host'; }  // Probably 'localhost'
    function sqlBase() { return 'your_robust_database'; }

Works only in grid mode. Needs filtering local regions for stand-alone.
For large grids, you will have to paginate.

Let me know if it works for you. Improvements welcome.

PHP code follows. TAB is four spaces.

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Grid Statistics</title>
	<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
	<style type="text/css">
		body		{  }
		table 		{ margin: auto; xborder-collapse: collapse;
					  border: 2px solid #000; }
		tr.divide	{ border: 1px solid #000; }
		table td	{ border: 1px solid #ddd;
					  padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; }
		td.name		{ text-align: left; }
		td			{ text-align: right;
					  background: #eeeeee; }
		tr.divide td { height: 1px; padding: 0px;
					   border: 1px solid #000; }
		td.RED		{ background: Salmon; }
		td.GREEN	{ background: LightGreen; }
		td.MAGENTA	{ background: Thistle; }



	error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
	include "db_access.php";

	function GetRegionsFromDatabase() {

		// ATTENTION! Ne marche pas pour une stand-alone 
(regions hypergrid dans la table)
		$query = "SELECT 
		FROM regions ORDER BY serverHttpPort,serverPort,regionName;";

		$link = new mysqli(sqlHost(),sqlUser(),sqlPass(),sqlBase());
		if ($link->connect_errno)
			die('Connect Error: ' . $link->connect_errno 
. ' (' . $link->connect_error . ')');

		$answ = $link->query($query);
		if ($link->errno)
			die('Select Error: ' . $link->errno . '(' . 
$link->error . ')');

		$result = $answ->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

		return $result;

	function GetStatisticsFromSimulator($regions) {
		$result = array();
		foreach ($regions as $reg) {
			$reg_name = $reg['regionName'];
			$srv_host = $reg['serverIP'];
			$srv_port = $reg['serverHttpPort'];
			$reg_port = $reg['serverPort'];
			$reg_uuid = $reg['uuid'];

			$url = 
			$xml = file_get_contents ($url);
			$dat = (array)simplexml_load_string ($xml);

			$region_data = array();
			$region_data['Name'] = $reg_name;
			$region_data['ServerPort'] = $srv_port;
			$region_data['RegionPort'] = $reg_port;

			foreach ($dat as $key => $val) {
				$key = shortenKey($key);
				$region_data[$key] = $val;
			array_push ($result, $region_data);
		return $result;

	function shortenKey($key) {
		if (preg_match ("/(.*)Monitor/", $key, $matches))
			$key =  $matches[1];
		return $key;

	function formatNum($key,$val) {
		if (preg_match("/FPS/"		,$key)) $val = 
sprintf ("%3.2f",$val);
		if (preg_match("/Second/"	,$key)) $val = 
sprintf ("%3.2f",$val);
		if (preg_match("/FrameTime/",$key)) $val = sprintf 
		if (preg_match("/Dilation/"	,$key)) $val = 
sprintf ("%3.2f",$val);
		if (preg_match("/Memory/"	,$key)) $val = 
sprintf ("%d",$val/1e+6);
		return $val;

	function addUnits($key,$val) {
		if (preg_match("/FrameTime/",$key))	$val = $val." ms";
		if (preg_match("/Memory/"	,$key))	$val = $val." Mb";
		return $val;

	function colorize($key,$val) {
		if (preg_match("/FrameTime/" ,$key)) return ($val > 
20)?"RED" :"GREEN";
		if (preg_match("/Dilation/"	 ,$key)) return ($val 
<  1)?"RED" :"GREEN";
		if (preg_match("/FPS/"		 ,$key)) return ($val 
< 50)?"RED" :"GREEN";
		if (preg_match("/Pending/"	 ,$key)) return 
($val >  0)?"RED" :"NOCOLOR";
		if (preg_match("/AgentCount/",$key)) return ($val > 

	function divider($stats) {
		$ncols = 1 + count ($stats);
		printf ("<tr class=divide><td colspan=$ncols></tr>\n");

	function PrintParam($stats,$key) {
		printf ("<tr>");
		printf ("<td class=name>%s</td>", $key);
		foreach ($stats as $column) {
			$val = $column[$key];
			$val = formatNum ($key,$val);
			$val = addUnits  ($key,$val);
			$col = colorize  ($key,$val);
			printf ("<td class=$col>%s</td>", $val);
		printf ("</tr>\n");

	function PrintStatisticsFull($stats) {
		print "<table>\n";
		PrintParam ($stats, 'Name');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ServerPort');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'RegionPort');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'TotalFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'SpareFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'SimulationFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PhysicsFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'NetFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ImagesFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'AgentFrameTime');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'SimFPS');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PhysicsFPS');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'TimeDilation');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'AgentCount');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ChildAgentCount');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ObjectCount');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ActiveScripts');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ActiveObjectCount');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'AgentUpdatesPerSecond');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ScriptEventsPerSecond');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'InPacketsPerSecond');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'OutPacketsPerSecond');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PendingDownloads');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PendingUploads');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'UnackedBytes');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'EventFrame');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'LastReportedObjectUpdates');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'SlowFrames');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PhysicsFrame');
	#	PrintParam ($stats, 'LastFrameTime');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'LandFrame');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PhysicsUpdateFrame');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'TotalFrame');
		divider    ($stats);
		PrintParam ($stats, 'ThreadCount');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'GCMemory');
		PrintParam ($stats, 'PWSMemory');
		print "</table>\n";

	function PrintStatisticsAvatars($stats) {
		print "<br><table>\n";
		print "<caption>Avatars</caption>\n";
		foreach ($stats as $row) {
			$rname = $row['Name'];
			$navat = $row['AgentCount'];
			if ($navat > 0) {
				printf ("<tr>");
				printf ("<td class='MAGENTA'>$navat</td>");
				printf ("<td class='MAGENTA 
				printf ("<td class='MAGENTA 
				printf ("</tr>\n");
		print "</table></br>\n";

	// Main program

	$time_start = microtime(true);
	$regns = GetRegionsFromDatabase();
	$time_end = microtime(true);
	$time_database = 1000 * ($time_end - $time_start);

	$time_start = microtime(true);
	$stats =  GetStatisticsFromSimulator($regns);
	$time_end = microtime(true);
	$time_network = 1000 * ($time_end - $time_start);

	$time_start = microtime(true);
	$time_end = microtime(true);
	$time_edition = 1000 * ($time_end - $time_start);


  	printf ("<br>\n");
  	printf ("Database Time: %5.2f ms<br>\n", $time_database);
  	printf ("Network Time: %5.2f ms<br>\n",	 $time_network);
  	printf ("Edition Time: %5.2f ms<br>\n",	 $time_edition);


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