[Opensim-users] OpenSimulator 0.8-rc1 now available

Shaun T. Erickson ste at smxy.org
Fri May 9 21:09:28 UTC 2014


My main avatar, plus any others that were created before the Suitcase 
came along, don't have any of the now-standard sub-folders that stand-in 
for the main system folders. Those avatars can't get anything, when 
HGing around, because of this. On a whim, I once took an older one and 
went into the database and created all those folders exactly as I saw 
them for a newly-made avatar, and now the older avatar can obtain items 
without error when traveling the hypergrid. I just have resisted writing 
a script to do this for all my old avatars ... though things definitely 
seem to work better with them. :)

-ste (smxy)

On 5/9/14, 4:11 PM, Oren Hurvitz wrote:
> It looks like you're missing some default folders, perhaps the Outfit. 
> Do you have a "My Suitcase" folder, and if you do, does it have any 
> subfolders?
> I know how to avoid this error being shown, but that wouldn't solve 
> the core problem which is that you're missing some folders.
> Please create a Mantis to track this.
> Oren

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