[Opensim-users] How can this patent be valid.....

Diva Canto diva at metaverseink.com
Thu Jun 19 00:28:54 UTC 2014

Please do not send links, or discuss, patents in any of the mailing 
lists hosted at OpenSimulator.org. We (the developers of opensim) don't 
want to know about any of that. Please find another forum to discuss 
patents. Open source development and patents don't mix.

An old, but still relevant, personal plea for users of OpenSim who 
consider filing patents:

It breaks my heart (in a very angry kind of heartbreak) to see OpenSim 
users doing this kind of thing.

On 6/18/2014 5:09 PM, BoneZ wrote:
> This seems to include many aspects of what opensim already does....
> https://www.google.com/patents/US8621368?dq=new+world+studio+patent&hl=en&sa=X&ei=WCGiU66BGcTvoAS7sYHQDw&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAg 
> Anyone know anything about this??
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