[Opensim-users] region problems on standalone

Luisillo Contepomi luisillocontepomi at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 04:09:34 UTC 2014

"teleports to some sims fail and to some others they leave me stuck at
0,0. "

Review your OpenSim.ini and change it for the new version. I think
that you are using ODE. In var region must be Bulletsim.

2014-06-11 23:35 GMT+02:00 Ethan Grammatikidis <eekee57 at fastmail.fm>:
> i've got region problems on a new standalone instalation with an old
> database.  from some sims i can't see or cross to adjacent sims.
> teleports to some sims fail and to some others they leave me stuck at
> 0,0.  when stuck at 0,0 i can usually fly up and down, but that's all.
> only one sim works correctly.
> i'm using diva distro; downloaded yesterday.  6 of the sims and all of
> the accounts (avatars) were made long ago, in 0.70.2 / 0.7.  4 sims
> are new, they were made as i brought up diva distro for the first
> time, before i copied the region files across.  these sims are in 2
> groups, the 6 old sims in a 2x3 block and the new ones 2x2.  the
> database was imported from backup before i started diva distro the
> first time.  (before i successfully started it, anyway; i didn't know
> newer mysql versions don't serve on a tcp port by default so there
> were several false starts.)
> in the new group, i can teleport to each sim but get stuck at 0,0.  i
> can also see each sim from each other.  if i get into a corner
> adjacent to other sims and try to cross eastward into another sim, i
> get a message: "Cannot region cross into banned parcel".  (this is
> when i'm on the estate owner account.) if i try to cross westward I
> get no error but i get violent flashing instead, the avatar presumably
> oscilating between above and under water at over 5Hz.
> sometimes instead of the banned message in the viewer i see this on
> the console:
>         21:22:34 - [SCENE PRESENCE]: MakeRootAgent() was given an illegal position of <-0.05, -0.05, 25.42529> for avatar eekee eebus, ffc98645-1c87-4f1d-927f-401e7cd08918. Clamping
> on editing appearance while i was stuck at 0,0, i saw this on the
> console:
>         15:55:08 - ScenePresence for agent uuid ffc98645-1c87-4f1d-927f-401e7cd08918 unexpectedly not found in HandleLinkInventoryItem
> attempting to add an attachment produced a similar message, but when i
> reached the one sim where i have full functionality, the attachments
> appeared despite 3 or 4 relogs in between.
> this one sim is called elandia.  it's at location 1000,1000 on the
> grid.  it's one of the old sims.  from it i can't see other sims, and
> i can only sometimes teleport into it, but everything inside that sim
> works.  moving around, building, changing clothing, removing (and
> presumably adding) attachments all work.  hmm..  one other problem: if
> i logged out in another sim and try to log in to elandia, there's only
> a 20-30% chance of the login succeeding.
> the one good thing about the sims in which i'm stuck at 0,0 is i can
> see any adjacent sim.  i didn't try building in them.  i can't get
> about land info in any sim but elandia.
> when in elandia, on the console i see messages like this from the
> surrounding sims:
>         19:56:52 - [LLUDPSERVER]: No packets received from child agent of test kitten for 60000ms in Oceana.  Disconnecting.
>         19:56:53 - [LLUDPSERVER]: No packets received from child agent of test kitten for 60000ms in Undernalis.  Disconnecting.
>         19:56:55 - [LLUDPSERVER]: No packets received from child agent of test kitten for 60000ms in Fentara.  Disconnecting.
> those sims are west, southwest, and south of elandia.  the sims to the
> north and northwest are conspicuous by their absence, although i
> recall seeing such a message from teh sim to the north yesterday.
> hmm...  test kitten logged into undernalis which is too far south for
> the northern sims to have her as a child agent.
> sometimes after a teleport i get this: "Moving you to region at 1000,
> 1000".  (exact text may be different, it's a bit hard to trigger.) i'm
> then teleported back to elandia, but with a position kilometers out of
> the sim and the viewer display flashing until i open the map and
> teleport into elandia manually.
> one sim i have never managed to get into.  it is nactus, north of
> elandia.  it is also the most built-up of all the sims with 5817
> prims, but i don't know if this means much.  some of the problem sims
> are empty, while elandia is perhaps the 2nd or 3rd most filled sim
> with 1176 prims.
> oh...  here's a weak sort of progress.  i teleported to solimos (nw, a
> problem sim,) and back to elandia, and then i could get about land
> from nachtus (n).  i can't get about land when i'm actually in any of
> these sims.  ...  so i tried teleporting into nachtus, and i not only
> got in but i can move around!  all the builds are phantom though, and
> the menu bar says i'm still in elandia.  when i edit an object,
> owner/creator info never appears, although it does for newly-created
> objects.  hm...  i left and returned, and there wasn't the slightest
> bump on sim crossing, as if i'm still in elandia.  it's like one of
> aurora-sim's var regions, except the parcel name doesn't change when
> it should.  checking the config, CombineContiguousRegions = false,
> which is the same as it was in 0.7.2.  sim ports and positions do not
> overlap.  i don't know what else to check.
> after that semi-success with nachtus, i attempted to fly west into
> oceana.  from the crossing point my avatar flew on regardless of me
> taking my fingers off the keys, but curiously stopped at -256.  this
> appeared on the console:
>         22:07:17 - [ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle 1098412116404224, exiting CrossToNewRegion.
>         22:07:17 - [ENTITY TRANSFER STATE MACHINE]: Agent with ID ffc98645-1c87-4f1d-927f-401e7cd08918 should not exit directly from state Transferring, should go to CleaningUp state first in Elandia
> what can i do?
> --
> You can't have your fun and eat it too.
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