[Opensim-users] llCastRay and object shapes

James Stallings II james.stallings at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 21:48:22 UTC 2014

Thanks Dahlia!

That level of detail provides a lot of insight into this issue.

Thanks for that part which you did implement, some functionality is always
better than none ;)

Also thank you for your willingness to support those who might move the
work forward.

 On Feb 26, 2014 3:43 PM, "Dahlia Trimble" <dahliatrimble at gmail.com> wrote:

> FWIW...
> I'm the one who wrote most of the collision geometry code in
> OpenSimulator. Someone else wrote llCastRay(). From my understanding and
> from memory of past conversations, the author(s) of llCastRay implemented
> what they could given the constraints of object accessibility in the core
> OpenSimulator and timing needs of llCastRay. Bounding boxes are easier to
> get to than the geometry, which is usually passed to the physics engine of
> choice from a manager object which is generally inaccessible. There is a
> way to ask ODE to do a raycast against geometry, however, it requires a
> time delay between physics frames as the requests must be queued and the
> responses retrieved on the next frame. I was told this is an unacceptable
> delay although I did not research it any further to see if this is really
> the case. I'm not sure if Bullet has the same capability but I'd be
> surprised if it didn't.
> I'm not sure about other devs, but in my case the reason I have not
> implemented a more accurate llCastRay() is that I don't get paid for my
> contributions to OpenSimulator and hence I usually don't implement anything
> unless I need it and nobody else will do it. Often (but not always) when I
> do implement such features I choose to share them with the community by
> committing them to core, as I believe this is how open source works: many
> people contribute and the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts.
> Unfortunately I have no need for llCastRay() at this time and I am pretty
> busy so I probably wont be considering improving it for quite some time, if
> ever. However, I am willing to share my insights about collision geometry
> with others who would endeavor to implement it.
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:07 AM, James Stallings II <
> james.stallings at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My apologies if you found my contribution discouraging; my intent was
>> exactly the opposite. To be quite explicit, I encourage anyone who can
>> improve this functionality to do so; for the rest of us, we must have faith
>> that those who can contribute to the improvement of the code, eventually
>> will.
>> My experience has been that some things are more difficult than others to
>> accomplish; and OpenSim devs, despite myth and appearances, are human too
>> ;)
>> Implementations of these things often happen in stages. First some
>> groundwork is laid, and then improvements are added incrementally. I rather
>> suspect that will be and has been the case as concerns llCastRay. First the
>> framework is established simply with bounding boxes; then projection of the
>> bounding box intersection onto the mesh, etc. It's even fairly likely that
>> one will finish what another has begun, though it is not always the case.
>> I think the point is, we all know what the ideal functionality of
>> llCastRay is; and we all know it's desirable to have that functionality. My
>> message is, it will eventually happen, and if we are not in a position to
>> do it ourselves (I know I'm not in such a position), the best we can do is
>> have a little faith, note the current behavior, and watch for improvements.
>> A well phrased mantis is always good, as it keeps the need for
>> improvement in view of the devs; but complaints about lack of functionality
>> on mailing lists rarely do more than rub people the wrong way; the very
>> people who will likely improve the code. This is something that has taken
>> me YEARS to get through my thick skull; which is why I rarely post to this
>> list these days ;)
>> In any case, don't let me slow your roll :)
>> Cheers
>> James
>> On Feb 26, 2014 7:26 AM, "Dr Ramesh Ramloll" <r.ramloll at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> It is important for user to make their needs known. Often optimization
>>> decisions for invisible underlying important stuff are made that may impact
>>> user needs at the top. It is crucial here for users not to be discouraged
>>> to voice their opinions in a civil way (which I think we were doing). Some
>>> things may be needed at the top user level but can cannot be implemented
>>> because it would mess up underlying thing that is important.  I do
>>> understand that, designing complex systems is almost always about comprise.
>>> In this case, a bounding box may have been opted for may be because it is
>>> faster for scenes containing large number of objects (and less error prone
>>> than for complex shapes)... and it could be that a decision was made to
>>> sacrifice precision of values returned by llCastRay for speed and that
>>> would be understandable. In short, most people are mature enough to know
>>> that competing concerns arise often and is typical, BUT stakeholders have
>>> the right to try to influence direction and motivate development ...
>>> hopefully statements in that regard would not be viewed as a sign of
>>> "impatience".
>>> Hence the need for conversation... certainly  'keep quiet while we work
>>> patiently in the background' or 'why don't YOU do it?' is not a feature of
>>> a lively and thriving community.
>>> Sorry for the rant man, when llCastRay works, we found some really
>>> beautiful things happening...
>>> Ramesh
>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 7:46 AM, James Stallings II <
>>> james.stallings at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The key point being missed here is that OpenSim code is not 'frozen' or
>>>> 'static' in any way. The llCastRay function is not exceptional in this
>>>> respect; it could readily be extended (by someone knowledgeable in the
>>>> subject area) to support the behavior that is anticipated based on the
>>>> implementation in SL.
>>>> Whether or not anyone participating in this discussion meets that
>>>> description, it is quite likely that this will eventually happen; all
>>>> that's required is a bit of patience and/or coding skill (depending on who
>>>> you might be ;)
>>>> Not to put too fine a point on it, but "...patches are welcome." For
>>>> the rest of us, that translates as "Be patient."
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> James
>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:20 PM, Dahlia Trimble <
>>>> dahliatrimble at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> OpenSimulator currently only uses bounding boxes for llCastRay(),
>>>>> regardless of the physics engine selected. Other collisions are computed in
>>>>> the physics engine, and in the case of BulletSIm or ODE, are computed
>>>>> against mesh triangles or convex hulls, and are usually quite accurate.
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:46 PM, Dr Ramesh Ramloll <
>>>>> r.ramloll at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, are we to assume that opensim  will only use bounding boxes
>>>>>> for llCastRay or  when detecting collisions? There are a lot of compelling
>>>>>> applications that require the data for the point at which the ray hits the
>>>>>> surface of a mesh object or for the point of collision on a mesh object. Is
>>>>>> this one area where Second Life is definitely ahead because of Havok4? I am
>>>>>> not very familiar with the underlying opensim infrastructure, so would be
>>>>>> glad to hear more about this.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> R
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Chris <mewtwo0641 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> If I recall correctly, the default physics engine was switched to
>>>>>>> BulletSim some time ago although I can't recall when. Assuming recent code
>>>>>>> is being used and also assuming the physics engine hadn't been switched
>>>>>>> from default I would venture to say that BulletSim is likely being used,
>>>>>>> but, that is just a guess on my part based on what I've seen and
>>>>>>> experimented with myself; I have no idea what setup OSGrid is using since
>>>>>>> it has been a while since I've ran a sim connected there.
>>>>>>> I haven't had a chance to test this myself on BulletSim but I have
>>>>>>> noticed some slight quirkiness with cast ray on some surfaces (especially
>>>>>>> angled prims). I've not given it a full run on tests as I haven't used the
>>>>>>> cast ray functions all that much in my scripting.
>>>>>>> On 2/25/2014 10:48 AM, Handy Low wrote:
>>>>>>>> Gwyneth Llewelyn <gwyneth.llewelyn <at> gwynethllewelyn.net>
>>>>>>>> writes:
>>>>>>>>  Hi Handy,
>>>>>>>>> Just for the sake of completeness, did you test with ODE or
>>>>>>>>> BulletSim? I
>>>>>>>> believe the implementation might be
>>>>>>>>> slightly different (or, then again, it's just my not-so-precise
>>>>>>>>> testing).
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>         - Gwyn
>>>>>>>>> On 25/02/2014, at 16:09, Handy Low wrote:
>>>>>>>>>  Currently it seems that the OpenSim implementation of llCastRay()
>>>>>>>>>> gives
>>>>>>>>>> coordinates on a target object that lie on the bounding box of the
>>>>>>>>> object
>>>>>>>>> rather than on the face of the prim itself.
>>>>>>>>>> For example, casting a ray at a pair of linked cubes in OpenSim
>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> generate
>>>>>>>>> coordinates that lie on the cuboid bounding box that constrains
>>>>>>>>>> both
>>>>>>>>> cubes.
>>>>>>>>> Likewise, casting a ray at a sphere will generate a point on the
>>>>>>>>> sphere's
>>>>>>>>> cubic bounding box.
>>>>>>>>>> In SL, the same tests will both return points on the prim
>>>>>>>>>> surfaces.
>>>>>>>>>> Is this expected behaviour?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Thanks to Michael and Gwen for the fast replies.
>>>>>>>> Off the top of my head, I don't know which physics engine they were
>>>>>>>> using,
>>>>>>>> or how I can find out - the tests I've been doing have been in
>>>>>>>> OSGrid
>>>>>>>> (Sandbox Plaza) and in Kitely, if that's any help.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Handy
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