[Opensim-users] Branded opensim viewers

Kay McLennan mclennan.kay at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 15:41:47 UTC 2014

Diva, et al,

Thank you for the heads-up on the availability of "browser-like access to a
grid via the Grid text box" feature [ALREADY!] in the Singularity viewer.
 Also, I had to see it for myself and am gleeful to report how this
Singularity feature worked like a charm!

-- Kay

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 8:41 AM, Diva Canto <diva at metaverseink.com> wrote:

>  Singularity already has this.
> On 2/19/2014 4:42 AM, Kay McLennan wrote:
> As an alternative to re-branding 3 different versions of a viewer (to
> match 3 different operating systems) each time a viewer is upgraded, would
> it be possible to develop viewers that utilize web browser-like addresses
> (?).  What I have in mind is being able to type (or copy) a grid's login
> URL directly into the "Grid" text box.  In this way, there is no need to:
>  (1) re-brand viewers; or (2) go through all of the steps needed to add a
> grid to a viewer via the "Grid Manager" feature.
>  Again, wouldn't it be easier to develop viewers that enable users to
> simply type a grid URL into the grid name box (?).
> -- Kay
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