[Opensim-users] OpenSim Library Extension via IARs

GarminKawaguichi garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com
Tue Oct 22 22:13:16 UTC 2013

2 rigged mesh avatars we have used to test the mesh beta viewer:


meshatar.zip contains the IAR and other files we have found useful.
Note the RiggedAvatar.iar contains "Invisible Avatar" Body Part; you 
have to wear it to mask your own shape before to wear Simple_Bot_001 or 
Footbal (attach them to any point, but I prefer the Pelvis or stomach)
It goes without saying that you must detach all attachments and wear off 
all clothings to see the mesh that automatically fits your size.

Other files in the zip are document or links that helped us to 
understand mesh avatars.


Le 22/10/2013 16:25, Robert Martin a écrit :
> ...
> on a related subject does anybody have an IAR with Rigged Mesh Avatars??
> ...

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