[Opensim-users] 'Access to the path "/" is denied' errors when trying to run OpenSim

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Tue Nov 26 21:55:35 UTC 2013

The function "Glob" attempts to create a list of candidate
files/directories but stepping through the path components of the

Your issue is caused by one of your config includes having an
absolute path specified, e.g. "/home/opensim/config-includes/*.ini"
rather than a relative path, e.g. "config-includes/*.ini" and the
root directory is not listable for that user.

This is caused by not having SELINUX disabled and not having a
policy that allows world to read the visible entries in the root

You can solve this in three different ways:

Disable SELINUX - edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux and set policy from
ENFORCING to DISABLED, _or_ add "selinux=0" to the kernel command
line in /boot/grub/grub.conf

Add a SELINUX policy to allow listing the root directory for at
least the user you want to run OpenSim as.

Don't use absolute paths for config-includes.

The fourth alternative would be to run OpenSim as root - this is NOT


On 26/11/2013 21:51, EGBainbridge/Apollo Manga wrote:
> Thanks for your reply.  I agree with your suggestion, however since it
> appears to be a Centos issue and I've read so many complaints about Centos
> and OpenSim, the company I''m doing the project for is looking for a hosting
> company with a different OS.  
> We're investigating using Amazon EC2 with Ubuntu or SUSE.  I use OpenSUSE on
> my home server and like it, but I may recommend Ubuntu because of it's lower
> cost on EC2.
> -----
>  Apollo Manga (Erik Gordon Bainbridge) 
>  Writer, instructor, former software engineer 
>  Northern California 
>  ErikBainbridge.com 
>  VirtualMarin.com 
> --
> View this message in context: http://opensim-users.2152040.n2.nabble.com/Access-to-the-path-is-denied-error-message-when-trying-to-run-OpenSim-tp7580689p7580696.html
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