[Opensim-users] 'Access to the path "/" is denied' errors when trying to run OpenSim

R.Gunther rigun at rigutech.nl
Tue Nov 26 12:19:17 UTC 2013

JUst want to mentpoin it, dont think its the problem.
But you need to CD first into the opensim bin directory.
Then execute opensim.exe. If you dont do that opensim cant read the 
config files,
But that would generate normally a different error message.

On 2013-11-26 03:06, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> From the trace it looks like OpenSimulator is trying to read the root 
> dir.  Also from the trace, I would guess that one of your Include-* 
> entries (which load other config files) is somehow specifying /.  You 
> would need to check them all carefully and if they appear okay try 
> commenting one out at a time to see if this affects the problems.
> On 23/11/13 21:02, EGBainbridge/Apollo Manga wrote:
>> Thanks for the suggestion.  Yes, I've checked file ownership and 
>> permissions.
>> The directories are all straight out-of-the-box OpenSim.  I simply 
>> set up
>> the database, extracted the binary, and tried running OpenSim.exe.
>> I've had my own Linux grid running pretty much non-stop (except for
>> maintenance) for two years, with users, and I've created other grids, 
>> but
>> I've never had a problem like this.  This also the first time I 
>> haven't had
>> root access, so I don't have the ability look for misconfigurations 
>> in the
>> system.
>> -----
>>   Apollo Manga (Erik Gordon Bainbridge)
>>   Writer, instructor, former software engineer
>>   Northern California
>>   ErikBainbridge.com
>>   VirtualMarin.com
>> -- 
>> View this message in context: 
>> http://opensim-users.2152040.n2.nabble.com/Access-to-the-path-is-denied-error-when-trying-to-run-OpenSim-tp7580689p7580691.html
>> Sent from the opensim-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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