[Opensim-users] Media on a Prim button does not appear

Garibaldi da Silveira garibaldejr at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 12 00:17:33 UTC 2013

Thanks for the help. After u enable in the opensim.ini, i discovered that the "plus" button in Firestorm viewer is not more a button, is a select box. Now this work perfect, thanks again!
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:19:01 -0600
From: mewtwo0641 at gmail.com
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Media on a Prim button does not appear

    Hello, You may also want to make sure
      that Enabled = true is set in the MediaOnAPrim section in
      OpenSim.ini. It should be set by default but never know :)


      On 11/11/2013 4:23 PM, Nick Zwart - 3DLES wrote:

      Hi Garibaldi,

        Try to select one texture side of a prim first, that might get
        you the options you mentioned.
      Op 11 nov. 2013 23:21 schreef "Garibaldi
        da Silveira" <garibaldejr at hotmail.com>:

            Hello! I'm starting a academy project with
              opensim, and i'm trying to add a media on a prim, but the
              plus button on the botton of the texture guide don't
              appear. But a few months ago, when i'm starting to learn
              opensim, i remember that this button was visible, and i
              added the media with sucess. I use the Firestorm,
              Imprudence and Singularity viewers, but i'm pretty sure
              that the problem is not in the viewers! 


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