[Opensim-users] Sending attachments in group notices using flotsam xmlrpc groups

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Sat Jan 26 21:18:18 UTC 2013


I'm referring to the support needed (methods in the client stack,
events) to allow this functionality to be made in Opensim core.


On 26/01/2013 21:29, Emperor Starfinder wrote:
> @ Diva
> That is good news.  I look forward to hearing how that works.  We have  
> been hesitant to enable hypergrid until all the permissions issues are  
> resolved. (perhaps next version of hypergrid).
> @Melanie
> I assume by core you are referring to mementic core.  or are you  
> referring to the core groups module already in opensim itself. (looks  
> as though that is only skeleton though).
> Thanks
> Emperor
> Quoting opensim-users-request at lists.berlios.de:
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>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. Re: Sending attachments in group notices using flotsam xmlrpc
>>       groups (Diva Canto)
>>    2. Re: Sending attachments in group notices using flotsam xmlrpc
>>       groups (InuYasha Meiji)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 23:44:19 -0800
>> From: Diva Canto <diva at metaverseink.com>
>> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
>> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Sending attachments in group notices
>> 	using flotsam xmlrpc groups
>> Message-ID: <51038953.50209 at metaverseink.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> FYI the next release of the Diva Distro will have groups working with
>> attachments -- a limited version of groups, but completely functional
>> and including cross-world (HG) memberships. OpenSim has all the
>> necessary support. Flotsam groups is lacking a few non-trivial things in
>> order to support attachments.
>> On 1/25/2013 6:00 PM, Melanie wrote:
>>> OpenSim does not handle these messages at all, it's all in the
>>> province of Flotsam. To wit, Avination has working attachments and
>>> no core changes were needed for that. Core's code is perfectly able
>>> to provide this feature.
>>> Melanie
>>> On 26/01/2013 01:55, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>>>> I maintain the XmlRpcGroupsServer at [1].  Not in a particularly  
>>>> active fashion but I do maintain current functionality
>>>> and as happy to look at any patches that people submit to that  
>>>> github project.  I can't comment on other versions of
>>>> that code.
>>>> However, I don't think that the group IM attachment issue does not  
>>>> have anything to do with groups itself but is rather
>>>> due to some bug in the way that OpenSimulator is handling  
>>>> attachments to these messages.  I'm assuming that it's broken
>>>> - I haven't had a reason or an opportunity to take a look at that  
>>>> functionality myself.
>>>> [1]  
>>>> https://github.com/mcortez/flotsam/tree/master/flotsam/Servers/XmlRpcGroupsServer/
>>>> On 25/01/13 21:06, InuYasha Meiji wrote:
>>>>> Then you think I might be able to hope it will come with the new  
>>>>> 7.5 release soon.  I download the BIN version, and I
>>>>> don't compile it all myself.  Sourry if it sounds lazy, much  
>>>>> easier when working with only one eye.
>>>>> InuYasha
>>>>> On 1/25/2013 10:32 AM, Emperor Starfinder wrote:
>>>>>> InuYasha
>>>>>> I was using the old fltsam groups module but I am glad to know I  
>>>>>> am not the only one.  In fact i think the version you
>>>>>> cited is based off of that to as is the mementic version.  I am  
>>>>>> not to sure if there is really a currently maintained
>>>>>> version of groups compatible with opensim though I heard some  
>>>>>> where that the module from osgrid is up to date but
>>>>>> don't quote me on that as I don't remember who told me that.
>>>>>> As for search I pulled the code from the forge and built it with  
>>>>>> the rest of my opensim code.  I of course have a few
>>>>>> tweaks to make my search instance run better but search does  
>>>>>> appear to be working correctly.
>>>>>> Emperor
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>>> Opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
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>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 02:59:31 -0500
>> From: InuYasha Meiji <inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com>
>> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
>> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Sending attachments in group notices
>> 	using flotsam xmlrpc groups
>> Message-ID: <51038CE3.9040406 at gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> It is also oa great way to send notecards about an event.
>> BTW love the idea of a good currentcy Module, maybe one that shows your
>> amount on the top bar like LL does.  Not looking for anything tied into
>> real money or the bank in ral life.  I wish for game money for use in
>> role play, without haveing to add just another HUD of some kind.
>> On 1/25/2013 9:41 PM, Emperor Starfinder wrote:
>>> Actually you do want the ability to send attachments in the group
>>> notices especially for those that use the module and want to get their
>>> grid up and running.  I might try to revisit this when I finish
>>> addressing our grid's currency module needs. But my recommendation is
>>> to review possibly what is causing this. It seems to be there in the
>>> groupsmodule cs scripts but as justin said I havent looked to see if
>>> that is broken some how.  It caught me off guard this morning for
>>> about a minute when I had two people tell me they tried to attach a
>>> landmark to group notices and it didn't work.
>>> Shows what little sleep does now doesn't it lol
>>> Emperor
>> --
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>> Opensim User: In Gridmode  on Version 0.7.4. Nine Instances with 56  
>> Regions. on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 GHz Quad Core,  
>> Terabyte Hard Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version  
>> 5.3.0, Apache
>> and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.  Groups, Profiles, Vivox Voice and
>> Offline Messages all working. (Not yet Public, 10 user accounts so far).
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>> End of Opensim-users Digest, Vol 65, Issue 51
>> *********************************************
> Emperor Starfinder
> Core Developer
> Second Galaxy Development Team
> http://www.secondgalaxy.com
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