[Opensim-users] Sending attachments in group notices using flotsam xmlrpc groups

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 21:06:32 UTC 2013

Then you think I might be able to hope it will come with the new 7.5 
release soon.  I download the BIN version, and I don't compile it all 
myself.  Sourry if it sounds lazy, much easier when working with only 
one eye.


On 1/25/2013 10:32 AM, Emperor Starfinder wrote:
> InuYasha
> I was using the old fltsam groups module but I am glad to know I am 
> not the only one.  In fact i think the version you cited is based off 
> of that to as is the mementic version.  I am not to sure if there is 
> really a currently maintained version of groups compatible with 
> opensim though I heard some where that the module from osgrid is up to 
> date but don't quote me on that as I don't remember who told me that.
> As for search I pulled the code from the forge and built it with the 
> rest of my opensim code.  I of course have a few tweaks to make my 
> search instance run better but search does appear to be working 
> correctly.
> Emperor

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