[Opensim-users] OpenSimulator 0.7.5 released

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Sat Feb 9 00:36:31 UTC 2013

Hi folks.  OpenSimulator 0.7.5 is now officially released [1] with release notes at [2].

As usual, huge thanks to everybody who contributed code, tested and identified errors, wrote documentation, helped newbies and all
the other things that are necessary for an open-source project to function.

I couldn't resist including a number of low-risk fixes that had emerged since 0.7.5-rc2.  The most significant of these are a 
fix for mesh import so that the rotation of the components matches that seen in the viewer preview and a fix for an issue where wearables
would not be found within inventory on relog if they were renamed whilst still worn after being edited.

The full summmary of the commits since 0.7.5-rc2 is below.

a2d327b Merge branch '0.7.5-post-fixes' of ssh://opensimulator.org/var/git/opensim into 0.7.5-post-fixes
3063831 Bump 0.7.5 flavour to Release
689da0f If a component of a coalesced object fails to deserialization, do not add a null where the object should be.
6d3b2d2 On IAR loading, if loading of a coaleseced item entirely fails, then continue with the IAR load rather than failing completely.
78debc9 * the root prim was being given an OffsetPosition in addition to setting the position when creating the root prim.   The offset position caused the positioning code to re-move the root prim
e3f01f2 Try to fix uploaded mesh rotations - code from Avination code base.
f28a592 Added option for UUID as command parameters. This lets the command handle the UUID parsing and type checking before the command is executed.
4c4cc91 minor: Tidy up disabled logging on AssetTransactionModule for future use.  Make it clear that transaction parameter to HandleUDPUploadRequest is an ID.
430000a minor: remove some mono compile warnings in XEngine.cs
eab57cd Prevent items being destroyed by rename operations. Renaming of a wearable also sends an asset transaciton but it is empty. So we can't ignore name data when a transaction is present and ca
5b60f63 Fix issue where the "set terrain texture" console command did not tell the viewers that textures had updated (hence they did not display the changes).
d132099 Mantis 6343: Turn a prim to flexy to OFF don't work llSetPrimParams
319069d Assign the SmartThreadPool name in the constructor
82268d7 Explicitly stop PollServiceRequestManager() rather than relying on its destructor.
efcbae3 Mantis 6507 keys returned by llGetAgentList incorrect for llList2Key
6e5d352 Changed protection of CreateDefaultAppearanceEntries to protected, so extensions of the UserAccountService can reuse this.

[1] http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Download
[2] http://opensimulator.org/wiki/0.7.5_Release

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)
OSVW Consulting

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