[Opensim-users] Heads up for grids using 3rd party currency modules

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 22:01:35 UTC 2013

Lucky for me I never trusted those things and havent used any yet. I am 
still trying to find a none cash sort of play money thing for role 
playing with no real world connection to real money.  I just want to 
give some form of prises for quest completion and the ability to get 
better things on my grid according to the number of things you 
accomplished.  Those other moduels I felt would get people into trouble 
later, might even make it possible that you could get into legal issues 
the user wasnt expecting by using real money.


On 4/25/2013 5:06 PM, Melanie wrote:
> LL have reshuffled the order of login actions.
> Recent viewers are unable to receive economy data from opensim based
> grids now.
> 3rd party economy modules will need to be updated to the new event
> signature.
> Best regards,
> Melanie
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