[Opensim-users] Private island with OS

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 23:12:12 UTC 2013

But dosen't 7.5 contain lots of new attachment issues?  It has been why 
I am waiting for the bin of 7.6, I hope they will get fixed by then.

I run 7.4 for the time being.

BTW it works great with the new Firestorm vierer for Opensim.  I like 
the upgraded Grid list.
It seems faster, only a small slow down for my own avatar textures, but 
only slightly.


On 4/24/2013 6:31 PM, R.Gunther wrote:
> Yes, but i would advise to use 0.7.5
> 0.7.3 contains lots of bugs and problems,also missing functions.
> On 2013-04-24 23:32, john felipe urrego mejia wrote:
>> Hi please tell me with 0.7.3 is possible create private island?
>> Tnks
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