[Opensim-users] External Access to standalone

GarminKawaguichi garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com
Sun Apr 21 21:58:31 UTC 2013

*CanYouSeeMe.org* waits for an answer like a page hosted at ip:port; 
that is available only for the server port (when the server runs :))
The region ports do not respond as web pages.
You can see that with your browser, http://IP:9000 returns something as 
"404-Page not found - Ooops! The page you requested has been obsconded 
with by knomes. Find hippos quick!...."

http://IP:9001 generates a timeout.


Le 21/04/2013 21:36, Tom Willans a écrit :
>  Curiously http://www.canyouseeme.org/ reports ports 9001-9004 as 
> connection refused which proved to be a red herring.

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