[Opensim-users] External Access to standalone

Storm Singer mycatlovesme at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 23:02:00 UTC 2013

I used Hamachi successfully to have my friend connect to my grid when I was
in college dorms. I think I used this version, but if it starts bugging you
to pay them, uninstall it and try an older version. Or subscribe. But I'd
try all the free ones first. http://hamachi.en.softonic.com/ Most vpns will
do the same thing.

When this happened to me, I had to go through ALL TEH FILES with a fine
tooth comb (or Notepad++) to make sure I changed all the IPs to the correct
vpn ip. That was annoying. This was my issue though - I had updated the
main file's IP, but the regions themselves thought they were on a different
Since then the workflow has removed specific IPs in the regionconfig file,
but maybe there's something similar.

Go around! Go around!
Go around the Windmill!
Sing us a song, of storms.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 6:19 PM, InuYasha Meiji <inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com>wrote:

> Just tossing in my two cents.  I personally use DynDNS and the Dyn Updater
> to turn my dynamic IP into a more stable named ip.  As long as you don't go
> offline for an entire month it is free.  If you pay a fee it won't expire
> monthly.  It works for me, but I have a D-Link DGL-4500 GamerLounge Xtreme
> N Gaming Router which includes loopback and 1 gigabyte LAN.
> With this setup my wife on the same network can log on, I can log on and
> any of my ten test users can as well including my friend from Australia,
> who has no problem getting on from half way around the world.
> I had to make a few changes to get it to work.  On the home network I had
> to preassign each computer its own local IP to make my local IPs static.  I
> then have my computer running my grid on a local of  Then in
> each ini file I changed the to that ip of  I will
> continue to region ips if you say you're interested...
> Trying to be helpfull,
> InuYasha.
> On 4/17/2013 11:27 AM, Tom Bess wrote:
>> Hi Fleep, thank you for your advice. There does seem to be an issue with
>> my router. I cannot get a static IP address from my ISP hence I used the
>> dynamic IP. I will let you know how I get on. Thanks. Tom
>> Tom Willans  BSc(Hons)  MBCS  CITP
>> PhD Student
>> Serious Games Institute, Coventry University
>> United Kingdom
>> Managing Director Bessacarr Publications Ltd
>> Senior Research Representative:Engineering and Computing
>> +44 (0)121 288 0281
>> email: tom.willans at bessacarr.com <mailto:tom.willans at bessacarr.**com<tom.willans at bessacarr.com>
>> >
>> skype: tom.willans
>> Second Life and OSGrid: Tom Tiros
>> Sent from my mobile
>> On 17 Apr 2013, at 12:59, Fleep Tuque <fleep513 at gmail.com <mailto:
>> fleep513 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>  Hi Tom,
>>> This is a fairly common question that can have a number of different
>>> root causes.
>>> It might be helpful to go over the details of exactly what happens when
>>> you try to log in.  Based on my understanding and previous posts from
>>> Justin, Diva and others, this is my understanding of how it works:  When
>>> you start up the client and enter your name/password, it sends those
>>> details to the OpenSim login service. If your password is correct, it tells
>>> the region simulator that you're coming.  The login service then sends back
>>> to your client the IP address and port to use to enter that region based on
>>> the information in the regions.ini configuration file.  Your client then
>>> connects to the region using those details.
>>> If you are stuck at "Connecting to Region.." or "Waiting for region
>>> handshake..." then your client successfully connected to the Opensim login
>>> service, but the information it is using to try to connect to the region
>>> (IP address and port number) is not allowing the connection.  This can be
>>> any number of issues related to your networking setup.
>>> 1)  Check to make sure you have the correct ports open on your router
>>> and firewall by reviewing the Opensim Network Settings page and Firewall
>>> settings page.  You can verify this by using 3rd party port checker
>>> software, I've used this successfully: http://portforward.com/help/**
>>> portcheck.htm <http://portforward.com/help/portcheck.htm>
>>> 2)  If you are on a home network, make sure your router supports NAT
>>> Loopback, per the instructions on the Opensim wiki:
>>> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/**NAT_Loopback_Routers<http://opensimulator.org/wiki/NAT_Loopback_Routers>
>>> 3)  If you do not have a router that supports NAT Loopback, or are on a
>>> corporate or campus network with 1-to-1 NATing, you will need to have an
>>> external static IP address assigned to your server for users outside your
>>> network to connect.  See this thread for more information:
>>> http://opensim-users.2152040.**n2.nabble.com/NAT-amp-**
>>> Corporate-Firewall-td6223654.**html<http://opensim-users.2152040.n2.nabble.com/NAT-amp-Corporate-Firewall-td6223654.html>
>>> I run FleepGrid from home and since my router didn't support NAT
>>> Loopback, I got a static IP address from my ISP and that resolved all my
>>> issues with people not being able to connect from outside my home network.
>>> Hope this info is helpful.  Good luck and let us know how it goes!
>>> - Chris/Fleep
>>> Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
>>> Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
>>> UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
>>> University of Cincinnati
>>> 406A Zimmer Hall
>>> 315 College Drive
>>> PO BOX 210088
>>> Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
>>> chris.collins at uc.edu <mailto:chris.collins at uc.edu>
>>> (513) 556-3018
>>> http://ucsim.uc.edu
>>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 12:44 AM, Tom <tom.willans at bessacarr.com<mailto:
>>> tom.willans at bessacarr.**com <tom.willans at bessacarr.com>>> wrote:
>>>     I am trying to gain external access to my OS standalone server
>>>     "Diva".  On the internal network all is fine even using my
>>>     external url (via dynamic dns). The  External login gets as far
>>>     as [SCENE]: Region Central authenticated and authorized incoming
>>>     root agent XXXXX (circuit code 230241706) (using the rest
>>>     console).  Firestorm then fails giving the message "Waiting for
>>>     region handshake" after a number of attempts.
>>>     The IP address is redirected using dynamic dns, the host machine
>>>     has a reserved IP address.  Port forwarding for both TCP and UDP
>>>     are set to 9000..9004 to this machine is set up. I have the same
>>>     problem with an without the firewall on (but forwarding set).
>>>     I am able to access the diva Wifi, webpage and use the rest
>>>     console for this machine. ssh works fine.
>>>     Any ideas?
>>>     Thanks
>>>     p.s. apologies for having sent request on another posting
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> --
> ______________________________**______________________________**
> ____________
> Opensim User: In Gridmode  on Version 0.7.4. Nine Instances with 56
> Regions. on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 GHz Quad Core, Terabyte Hard
> Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, Apache
> and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.  Groups, Profiles, Vivox Voice and
> Offline Messages all working. (Not yet Public, 10 user accounts so far).
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