[Opensim-users] what is the memory limit of notecards in OpenSim

Jeff Kelley opensim at pescadoo.net
Tue Apr 16 19:28:08 UTC 2013

At 9:55 AM -0400 4/16/13, Dr Ramesh Ramloll wrote:

>Are there toolkits (scritps that can be enhanced/modified/combined) 
>that can speed
>the setting up an online database to store the data (if notecards 
>cannot do it).

If you want to store files outside opensim:

Using llHTTPRequest, I could read a 1048576 bytes (1Mb) file. No 
toolkit required.
However, you will hit script memory and time limits while processing 
as much data.

With some PHP, you can also write files to a web server.

I dit not test for the maximum length of a notecard. I have some 
about 50K. Depends on what you call "large". I would suggest trying 
to create multiples of 64k and see when it fails. There's certainly a 
limit at mySQL max_allowed_packet or below.

-- Jeff

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