[Opensim-users] Approach to get fresh content for an OpenSim Grid on New Servers

Jeff Kelley opensim at pescadoo.net
Sat Apr 13 00:40:26 UTC 2013

At 4:20 PM -0500 4/12/13, Chris wrote:

>  As far as I can tell it does also pick up assets recursively although how
>  deeply nested I am unsure of; I have not tested more than a few objects deep.

Well, there is no recursivity, strictly speaking. "Nested" is more 
accurate. An object in itself is stramlined in the XML (not a 
reference pointing to self). Recursivity is achieved in-world  with 
the "rez and give a copy of self" trick.

I'm searching a way to clean the database more deeply than with SQL queries.
That implies parsing SceneObjectGroups, as well as the binary UUIDs 
in primShapes:Texture. Not a simple task.

-- Jeff

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