[Opensim-users] Approach to get fresh content for an OpenSim Grid on New Servers

Jeff Kelley opensim at pescadoo.net
Fri Apr 12 14:58:54 UTC 2013

At 6:46 AM -0500 4/12/13, Chris wrote:

>As far as I can tell, IAR and OAR saves work by only collecting 
>assets that are referenced on the regions that have had OARs made 
>from, and any assets that are referenced in the path specified for 
>IARs that are created from user inventories

... and any asset referenced in an object (SceneObjectGroup blob) 
referenced in the path specified for IARs (they may point to assets 
outside the path), and recursively (objects containing objects).

I've never checked for recursive objects, however.

-- jeff

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