[Opensim-users] creating completely different avatar then use it on opensim‏

Gregor Mendle gregor.mendle at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 08:29:27 UTC 2012

2012/9/28 mammoloji <mammoloji at hotmail.com.tr>:
> Hello everybody,


> Thanks for your answers. But I could not understand exactly. I think it is
> because of I am newbei .
> So could you please  answer my questions one by on;

I hope my answers can help

> 1. What program do I need to use while creating the avatars?
> 2. What file extenstion should I create the avatar?

I think you can use any program able to export as collada (extension
.dae) you can use the same format for a mesh avatar than for any other
mesh attachment

> 3. What should I do to import the avatar to opensim?

You have to import the mesh with a mesh enabled viewer the same way
you would import any mesh attachment. Problably you will need an alpha
texture to make your avatar invisible, keeping visible only the mesh

> 4. If I successfully import the avatar to opensim, Will the avatar be object
> or avatar which can interact with the environtment?
> 5. If the avatars are to be an object inactively, What am I supposed to do
> to make it like real avatar to use in the environment?

Your new mesh avatar must be rigged with the same bones as the
original avatar to be able to move and use animations.

There is an non-free addon for blender (http://blender.org) named
Avastar that can help to make new mesh avatars:


There is also a free avatar.blend file yo can pick from

It has less facilities than Avastar but you can follow the instrucions
in the web page about how you can copy the bone weighs of the original
avatar to your new mesh avatar.

You can also follow the video tutorials at:


I think they could be of great help to understand the whole process

> Thanks

You are very welcome,

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