[Opensim-users] creating completely different avatar then use it on opensim‏

Toni Alatalo toni at playsign.net
Fri Sep 28 07:56:46 UTC 2012

On Sep 28, 2012, at 10:49 AM, mammoloji wrote:
> So could you please  answer my questions one by on;

one route is what was mentioned in the earlier posts too. not the only option, but at least give you free form avatars in a kind of normal (like 3d gfx/games is typically made) way:

> 1. What program do I need to use while creating the avatars?

Blender or some other 3d modeller (wings, maya, max, ..)

> 2. What file extenstion should I create the avatar?

.dae is the Collada file extension ('digital asset exchange' or so)

> 3. What should I do to import the avatar to opensim?

upload collada mesh i suppose, like how that works with sl normally i'd guess

> 4. If I successfully import the avatar to opensim, Will the avatar be object
> or avatar which can interact with the environtment?


> 5. If the avatars are to be an object inactively, What am I supposed to do
> to make it like real avatar to use in the environment?

i suppose you wear the appearance or something similar to changing av appearances in general? am not sure, haven't tested mesh avs with sl/opensim myself (work with realxtend myself and there we've so far used meshes only)


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