[Opensim-users] (no subject)

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 07:25:53 UTC 2012

I use Opencart to distribute freebies as XML, IAR, or OAR files from
FleepGrid, see http://fleepgrid.com/store/ as an example and the Opencart
software is open source and available at http://www.opencart.com/.  Though
I only use the payment code in Opencart to accept donations through PayPal,
it has multiple payment method options built in if you intend to sell your
items for money, including PayPal, Google Wallet (or whatever they're
calling it these days), and several others, and it's a nice online catalog
with categories and search options.

Another option is to sell the items directly on your grid using something
like the Open Metaverse Currency module from VirWox -
https://www.virwox.com/omc-open-metaverse-currency.php - but I can't really
vouch for that personally since I haven't used it and I'm  very leery of
anything involving Real Money Transfer (RMT) on any of my grids since
Opensim is still alpha software and even the developers themselves caution
against it.

Yet another option is to try to hook up with the few sites that seem to be
selling Opensim content for money.  Maria Korolov keeps tabs on content
sites (freebie and otherwise) at
http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/opensim-content-providers/.  Again, I
can't vouch for any of the payment sites since I haven't used them, but if
you don't want to host your own site or install a currency module, that
might be your best option.

One thing to consider if you plan to distribute your items on the web is
the file format you use.  The upside of XML format is the files can be
imported by any user with a compatible viewer like Imprudence, but the
downside is XML only exports objects and textures (if not on Second Life)
and not inventory contents like scripts and animations.  This means XML
files are of limited use, good for static objects with no scripts,
animations, or inventory contents.

IAR and OAR files, on the other hand, can contain scripts and other items,
but can only be loaded by users with console access, which isn't very
useful for those who are on grids that don't offer console access, so you
have to pick your poison depending on what type of item you want to
distribute and who you plan to distribute it to - end users or those with
admin access (or both).

View the Opensim Inventory Archive
, Opensim Archive (OAR) page<http://opensimulator.org/wiki/OpenSim_Archives>,
or the Imprudence/Kokua Content Backup (XML)
page<http://wiki.kokuaviewer.org/wiki/Imprudence:Content_Backup> for
more information about these file formats.

Hope this helps and good luck with your project!

- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406A Zimmer Hall
315 College Drive
PO BOX 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu
(513) 556-3018


On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Hashim <hashim at trust300.com> wrote:

>  Hai,****
>  Good morning..****
> I am new to Opensim and i am developing my own small grid with 10 regions.
> ****
>  I have some objects like chairs, trees ,furniture etc.. I want to sell it
> through website. how can i sell these objects from website. i.e., when user
> buys the object via website then it has to go to his/her inventory in
> virtual world. Please tell me way to approach this process. i am strucked
> here. please help me out..... Thankyou ....****
> ** **
> Kind regards****
> ** **
> Hashim****
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