[Opensim-users] Loading TerrainMap That's Larger Than 256x256

Robert Martin robertltux at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 13:35:37 UTC 2012

On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 8:00 AM, GarminKawaguichi
<garmin.kawaguichi at magalaxie.com> wrote:
> If your terrain map is a .PNG, you can try the server command : terrain
> load-tile ; I use it with success for MegaRegion.
> Le 25/09/2012 02:45, Sarge Misfit a écrit :
> I have a terrain map that is 1024x1024 and I want to use it across a 4x4
> MegaRegion. I tried to break it down into 256x256 files by cropping using
> PhotoShop, Gimp and Paint but I can't get the dimensions right. I tried
> using terrain load-tile in the console but I don't think I am setting the
> arguments right. Any ideas or help will be appreciated.
> Sarge Misfit

easiest way to do this is to setup your terrain file as a png with a
"floor" of say 5 or 6 greyscale (NOT ZERO).  cutting a previous
message in
"terrain load-tile is a solution; image.png is your "the "map" for a
3X3 mega region"
change region reg1
terrain load-tile c:\path\image.png 3 3 8990 7654 (where 8990 is XLOC
address and 7654 is YLOC of the left-most bottommost region)
change region reg2
terrain load-tile c:\path\image.png 3 3 8990 7654 (yes always same values)
----- -----change region reg9
terrain load-tile c:\path\image.png 3 3 8990 7654
but if the region reg1 is the root for that server(and this must be
true for a 3x3 Megaregion) you canuse:
change region root
terrain load-tile c:\path\image.png 3 3 8990 7654
and all the nine terrain regions will be loaded!"
Robert L Martin

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