[Opensim-users] Buying and Selling Land - What module is needed?

R.Gunther rigun at rigutech.nl
Wed Sep 19 19:17:52 UTC 2012

Us there a complete list / wike about what are good privilede settings 
for mysql and the various opensim application. Like opensim, groups, 
landtools ?

On 2012-09-19 18:53, Nebadon Izumi wrote:
> you need the landtools php files available here from OSgrid : 
> http://download.osgrid.org/helper_tools_opensim.zip : this needs to be 
> in a folder on your website configured for your grid database, i 
> suggest making a read only account for mysql, these do not need write 
> access, so something like this http://helper.osgrid.org or 
> http://osgrid.org/helper and then just point your viewer grid manager 
> to this location, then you should be able to transfer and sell land.  
> Let me know if you have any questions.
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Fleep Tuque <fleep513 at gmail.com 
> <mailto:fleep513 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi folks,
>     We have an upcoming project on our campus grid that is going to
>     require students to be able to own parcels.  As far as I can tell
>     reading various posts on the listserv and notes on the opensim
>     wiki, it appears some kind of economy module is required to permit
>     land transactions, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what
>     module and what the steps are to facilitate this.
>     Can someone point me in the right direction?  If it matters, the
>     grid is running on Windows Server 2008.
>     Thanks in advance!
>     - Chris/Fleep
>     Chris M. Collins (SL/OS: Fleep Tuque)
>     Center for Simulations & Virtual Environments Research (UCSIM)
>     UCIT Instructional & Research Computing
>     University of Cincinnati
>     406A Zimmer Hall
>     315 College Drive
>     PO BOX 210088
>     Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
>     chris.collins at uc.edu <mailto:chris.collins at uc.edu>
>     (513) 556-3018
>     http://ucsim.uc.edu
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