[Opensim-users] Slow handling of POST -

James Stallings II james.stallings at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 11:30:01 UTC 2012

AI: those http fetch settings are actually on the debug menu, go figger.
Took me 20 mins to find 'em.


On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 5:33 AM, Ai Austin <ai.ai.austin at gmail.com> wrote:

>  From: Melanie <melanie at t-data.com>
>> You're using a viewer that fetches the user inventory in the
>> background on login. ...
>> You will need to disable inventory fetch on startup and/or
>> viewerside AO.
> Thanks for the explanation Melanie... that sounds like it is the type of
> problem I am seeing on our add on OSGrid regions... but not on our own
> Openvue grid whcih essentially runs on identical hardware and with
> identical network setups.
> I am observing the problem with both LL 3.3.4 and Firestorm/Pheonix
> 4.2.2...
> I don't have the viewer provided sAO turned on in Firestorm,  but I just
> looked at all the settings I can find in LL 3.3.4 and Firestorm 4.2.2 and
> cannot see one that refers to http fetching via http.  Although I am sure I
> have seen this in the past on earlier viewers.  Which Preferences tab is it
> on?
>  From: James Stallings II <james.stallings at gmail.com>
>> I would recommend (assuming firestorm here) setting both inventory fetch
>> and texture fetch to http in the settings, and making the following
>> changes
>> to opensim.ini:
>> [ClientStack.LindenCaps]
>>     ...
>>     Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
>>     Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
>>     ; This is disabled by default. Change if you see fit. Note that
>>     ; serving this cap from the simulators may lead to poor performace.
>>      Cap_FetchInventoryDescendents2 = "localhost"
>>      Cap_FetchInventory2 = "localhost"
> Yep, that what I am set to already James.. I just checked. Thanks.
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