[Opensim-users] Slow handling of POST -

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Thu Sep 13 17:22:03 UTC 2012

Those are actually the default settings since 0.7.4, IIRC. The issue
I described occurs with these services enabled. The only real
solution os to turn off background inventory fetch in the viewer.


On 13/09/2012 19:20, James Stallings II wrote:
> I would recommend (assuming firestorm here) setting both inventory fetch
> and texture fetch to http in the settings, and making the following changes
> to opensim.ini:
> [ClientStack.LindenCaps]
>     ;; For the long list of capabilities, see OpenSimDefaults.ini
>     ;; Here are the few ones you may want to change. Possible values
>     ;; are:
>     ;;   "" -- empty, capability disabled
>     ;;   "localhost" -- capability enabled and served by the simulator
>     ;;   "<url>" -- capability enabled and served by some other server
>     ;;
>     ; These are enabled by default to localhost. Change if you see fit.
>     Cap_GetTexture = "localhost"
>     Cap_GetMesh = "localhost"
>     ; This is disabled by default. Change if you see fit. Note that
>     ; serving this cap from the simulators may lead to poor performace.
>      Cap_FetchInventoryDescendents2 = "localhost"
>      Cap_FetchInventory2 = "localhost"
> This not only arrested this problem for me, but made my region perform wrt
> inventory better than it ever has at any other time.
> Cheers
> James aka Hiro Protagonist
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Melanie <melanie at t-data.com> wrote:
>> You're using a viewer that fetches the user inventory in the
>> background on login. Some do this to allow the viewerside AO to
>> obtain the asset IDs of the animations to use as well as speeding up
>> user initiated inventory access.
>> This causes many requests to the inventory server, as each folder is
>> requested separately and almost simultaneously.
>> The .NET standard limits connections to any given IP:Port pair to
>> two. Therefore, these requests queue up in the pre-request phase.
>> OpenSim believes the server request has already been made while the
>> underlying .NET code makes it wait. Worse, if the inventory server
>> doesn't have it's own port, all other requests are also queued up
>> behind those, causing everything to lag out.
>> However, in OSGrid the inventory server is on a host of it's own so
>> this isn't an issue, unless DNS maps it to the same port as other
>> services.
>> You will need to disable inventory fetch on startup and/or
>> viewerside AO.
>> Melanie
>> On 13/09/2012 17:50, Ai Austin wrote:
>> > Can I check if the "took 999999ms" in some slow handling warnings in
>> > OpenSim.exe can be trusted?
>> >
>> > I am having trouble with a new region server added to OSGrid, which
>> > basically works, and direct first time login of an avatar to the
>> > region gets in, but movement from one region into the new region
>> > typically tries requesting the teleport for a long time and then
>> > fails. The avatar also often ends up as a cloud and does not
>> > materialize. So I am testing things and looking now at incoming
>> > firewall issues (thouigh the standard ports I use between 9000 and
>> > 900x for the main OpenSim.exe HTTP and region ports are all open okay.
>> >
>> > But the warnings indicate that the requests are taking nearly 1000
>> > seconds if I read the message correctly!  Can anyone let me know if
>> > this is likely?
>> >
>> > 16:42:48 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Slow handling of POST
>> > /CAPS/5f6ed23d-8bc5-4b9e-b9f1-55e890182880 FetchInventoryDescendents2
>> > ce614657-a331-4c2e-9ddf-789ae647a3bc from took
>> 1068560ms
>> > 16:42:49 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Slow handling of POST
>> > /CAPS/5f6ed23d-8bc5-4b9e-b9f1-55e890182880 FetchInventoryDescendents2
>> > ce614657-a331-4c2e-9ddf-789ae647a3bc from took
>> 949219ms
>> > 16:42:51 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Slow handling of POST
>> > /CAPS/5f6ed23d-8bc5-4b9e-b9f1-55e890182880 FetchInventoryDescendents2
>> > ce614657-a331-4c2e-9ddf-789ae647a3bc from took
>> 1011651ms
>> > 16:42:52 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: Slow handling of POST
>> > /CAPS/5f6ed23d-8bc5-4b9e-b9f1-55e890182880 FetchInventoryDescendents2
>> > ce614657-a331-4c2e-9ddf-789ae647a3bc from took
>> 952808ms
>> >
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