[Opensim-users] Issue upgrading to Open Simulator 0.7.4

Kurt Reisler kreisler at mitre.org
Tue Sep 11 18:26:05 UTC 2012

(Sound of head hitting keyboard)
The problem was not with the MySQL database login/password 
(ConnectionString =), but with the line above it, which I had not 
uncommented.  So, when I removed the ";" in front of "StorageProvider 
=", the problem went away and the upgrade is humming along.

Thank you

On 9/10/2012 5:58 PM, Chris wrote:
> I would double check the database name and passwords then in both 
> MySQL (or which ever database you are using) and also in 
> StandaloneCommon. I actually ran into a similar error just a little 
> while ago, turns out i had mismatched passwords.
> On 9/10/2012 1:53 PM, Kurt Reisler wrote:
>> Well, this line
>>     Include-Architecture = "config-include/Standalone.ini"
>> Is uncommented in the [Architecture] section.   However, I have 
>> pulled a fresh copy of StandaloneCommon.ini from 
>> StandaloneCommon.ini.example and made the appropriate changes to it.  
>> Let's see what happens.  Same thing.
>> Thanks
>> Kurt
>> On 9/10/2012 2:35 PM, Chris wrote:
>>> Hi Kurt,
>>> Usually I get this issue upon upgrade when I forget to make a 
>>> selection in OpenSim.ini in the Architecture section. Check that you 
>>> have uncommented one of these and give it another shot =)
>>> On 9/10/2012 1:10 PM, Kurt Reisler wrote:
>>>> I have done upgrades before with no issue, so this one surprised 
>>>> me.  Moving from OpenSim to OpenSim 0.7.4.  Did all the 
>>>> usual things; backed up, made the site specific changes to 
>>>> OpenSim.ini, config-include/StandaloneCommon.ini and fired it up.
>>>> What I get is this error, early on in the startup process:
>>>>     2012-09-10 13:50:44,045 ERROR - OpenSim.Server.Base.ServerUtils
>>>>     Error loading plugin OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.IFriendsService
>>>>         from OpenSim.Services.FriendsService.dll. Exception: No
>>>>     StorageProvider configured
>>>>     2012-09-10 13:50:44,050 ERROR -
>>>>     OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Friends.FriendsModule [FRIENDS]:
>>>>     No Connector defined in section Friends, or failed to load, cannot
>>>>     continue
>>>>     2012-09-10 13:50:44,054 ERROR - OpenSim.Application [APPLICATION]:
>>>>     APPLICATION EXCEPTION DETECTED: System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
>>>>     Exception: System.Exception: Connector load error
>>>>        at
>>>> OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Friends.FriendsModule.InitModule(IConfigSource 
>>>>     config)
>>>>        at
>>>> OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Avatar.Friends.FriendsModule.Initialise(IConfigSource 
>>>>     config)
>>>>        at
>>>> OpenSim.ApplicationPlugins.RegionModulesController.RegionModulesControllerPlugin.Initialise(OpenSimBase 
>>>>     openSim)
>>>>        at OpenSim.ApplicationPluginInitialiser.Initialise(IPlugin 
>>>> plugin)
>>>>        at OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1.Load()
>>>>        at OpenSim.Framework.PluginLoader`1.Load(String extpoint)
>>>>        at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.LoadPlugins()
>>>>        at OpenSim.OpenSimBase.StartupSpecific()
>>>>        at OpenSim.OpenSim.StartupSpecific()
>>>>        at OpenSim.Framework.Servers.BaseOpenSimServer.Startup()
>>>>        at OpenSim.Application.Main(String[] args)
>>>>     Application is terminating: True
>>>> The referenced error is occurring in the 
>>>> config-include/Standalone.ini file, which is untouched.  I realize 
>>>> not many are running in standalone mode, but any pointers to the 
>>>> cause of the problem would be appreciated.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Kurt
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